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A giant wave pulsed across the sky.

A huge blue wave of energy running across the horizons as if it were ripples in a pond. It blew gusts of wind, taking the embers of the torn apart world with it. From the infinite blackness of outer space the entire world was like a big pond and light blue waves pulsed outwards from its source on Azura Island...

Locust everywhere fell to their knees as they clutched at their hearts. They all fell down completely dead as wave after wave of the blue stream hit them. Locust on highways, Locust in their bases, Locust in the middle of battles all fell and slumped to the ground as the cure to the Imulsion Sickness washed over and killed them.

Lambent shuddered and shook everywhere as well. Their limbs wriggled and exploded with bursts of Immulsion as the Stalks dried up and their bodies exploded and evaporated into the atmosphere.

The blue waves rushed worldwide. They rushed through Hanover, wiping out millions of Lambent, they rushed through the submarine base, toppling gigantic floodlights and they rushed through the empty remains of Hyde Park, ripping the leaves off trees as it flew through.

And that's where it hit Baroque.

A tall church stood proudly in the gloomy sky.

A rusted and bullet-ridden jeep was just outside the front doors.

Ashes flew past like meandering fireflies and came to rest at the doorstep.

But even though the war was over, no matter how many years passed, no matter how many jobs were completed and no matter how well humanity may have been doing, they will never forget the war. Nobody could forget the war. The loved ones who many had lost were always mourned.

And many more mourned the deaths of millions.


The future ahead was uncertain. Of how the Coalition of Ordered Governments was going to help rebuild civilisation as it once was. How they were going to regain control of millions of people and how they were going to enforce laws. It was completely up for speculation as to how the Government were going to run things again after the world, torn apart by war, was finally rebuilt. The future was uncertain.

Adam Fenix's lab was a gloomy place on Azura Island. It was illuminated only by a single computer screen. The computer screen's light lit up most of the room. Bookshelves lined the narrow lab and a table dominated the space with various lab equipment and pieces of paper scattered messily all over it. Sitting upon a desk next to the computer screen was a conical flask. Inside was a white-hot liquid that had Imulsion fumes swirling around inside of it. It was filled with Pyrrha's blood. The Imulsion had survived. It was completely unsure if it was a new strand of Imulsion altogether or if it was the only existing sample in the world, but one thing was for sure is that her blood had made a difference in the battle....

It had made a difference in many people's lives...


It had inspired a scientist without hope like Adam...


It had reunited a mother with her lost child like Myrrah...


It had changed and shaped people like Elijah...


Pyrrha had ended the war and made...


A new beginning.

Pyrrha: A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now