Episode 15: Azura Island...

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Pyrrha lay in her bed completely still. Her head sunk into the comfort of the gigantic pillows and the dooners draped over her carefully. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. Doctors surrounded her bed and they all looked upon her serene figure with respect in their hearts.

Slowly, Pyrrha's eyes opened.

Everyone around her gasped and soon let out a breath of respite, knowing that she was going to be fine.

"Please, leave us." Adam prompted softly as he took a seat next to Pyrrha, who was trying to lean up.

"You've been out for some time." Adam explained as he began examining her carefully. "Its the blood I've been taking. Darn it, I was so stupid to insist another sample! I'm sorry, this is not what I intended!"

Pyrrha waved a hand dismissively, although she had trouble understanding what was going on at the present time.

"You will need something to eat soon." Adam said while he motioned with his hand. Soon a maid came in with a shining silver tray filled with food. "Something to replace the iron in your system."

Adam took the liberty of handing Pyrrha a glass of orange juice and with a guiding hand he continued to help her consume it slowly.

"I'm sorry to have pushed you so far, Pyrrha." Adam said guiltily as he slowly guided the glass upwards, despite Pyrrha holding onto it weakly with both hands. He didn't want her to drop it all over herself. Once the juice was over and done with he handed her the tray of food, however she pressed it away and gave a dismissive wave.

"I need you to..." Pyrrha said woozily. "Leave. Just. Leave. I'll be all... Right."

Adam thought about what she said for a moment before placing the tray on her bedside cupboard and heading for the door.

"Hey doc?" Pyrrha called out weakly. "Did you do it? Did you manage to make the cure?"

Adam turned back around to face Pyrrha and opened his mouth to speak....

It was a dark and stormy night. The lightning flashed. The waves were huge. Dotted just off the coast of Azura Island was a small submarine. And it was sinking rapidly.

"Jesus Christ!" Johnson screamed as he desperately tried to gasp for air. He threw a hand above the inky black water in an attempt to haul himself into the fresh air.


Another gargantuan wave crushed him back under. The small hole in the submarine's dome spewed forth white washes of bubbles in the pitch black of the night, each individual one teasing Johnson with air that could not be breathed. Johnson clambered through the water so he could brace his back against one of the seats and began kicking the glass on the dome once more. The dome spider-webbed and crackled under the force of each powerful double-legged kick, however the dome only buckled with a teasing ebb. Suddenly the water went back down and Johnson quickly spun back around to stick his head out of the small hole again, gasping wildly for only a few seconds before another wave slammed down on top of him, stealing what little air he had and sending Elijah Johnson back into the dark prison of the submarine.


Johnson struggled inside the claustrophobic space of the sub and braced himself up once more, lining up a kick when a thought sparked into his mind. He still had a grenade! It was risky even thinking about it. The blast would be absorbed by the water, but the walls of the tiny dome would reflect the force tenfold, crushing him instantly. Him and Alex. Alex floated lifelessly in the water. He was still strapped to his seat and he moved at a serene pace with the ebb and flow of the water all around him. His arms and head drifted weightlessly as the sub was rocked back and forth.

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