Episode 11: The Enemy of My Enemy...

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For the love of God Pyrrha wished she'd never woken up.

The light from the window was dark enough to think it was still at least midnight, but no, apparently it was 10 O'clock in the morning already. The lights were turned on with a hasty switch and Pyrrha struggled to see who was coming so urgently towards her.

"Excuse me, you have to get up now!" A panicked man demanded. "We cannot delay this any longer!"

"How about I get my share of sleep first?" Pyrrha said, shaking her arm free and falling back into the comfort of her plush pillows.

"Miss Stowe! Please, I emplore you--"

That's when Pyrrha rose up like Dracula, awakening out of his coffin, ready to devour the world.

"It's Johnson." She said evenly. The man stopped in fear and backed away from the bed. Pyrrha laid back down, knowing full well that she wasn't going to be able to fall asleep again.


The two Onyx Guard who were outside her door came rushing in and grabbed an arm each. Upon being pulled to her feet, Pyrrha easily broke their firm holds and held her palms out defensively.

"Alright, alright, alright!" Pyrrha blurted. "I'm coming! Just let me walk on my own!"

The two Onyx Guard exchanged glances.

"Chairman's office. Don't be late." One of the guards said as he lead the other out the door.

Pyrrha, of course, had been shown where the Chairman's office was. It was quite a walk from her room at the very top floor, but she was told that it'd be worth it. And, as expected, she was followed around by an entourage of Onyx Guard. She didn't want to be walking through Azura again, because of all the scientists and snobby rich pen-pushers walking around. They would all stop and stare and she hated it. Who know's what rumours had been floating around about her lately? Maybe they were talking about her old clothes that were torn and stained beyond belief? With everyone wearing a set of slacks or a full tuxedo, they probably hadn't seen a set of jeans in the last 17 years, let alone a new face.

Bing! Loudspeakers blared. "Your work is important, but don't forget to take regular breaks. Please, feel free to gaze upon our art collection--"

"So that's what you people do for entertainment?" Pyrrha said unsuredly. "Look at art?"

Somehow she felt that the artwork didn't apply to the Onyx Guard, but she spoke loud enough for people to hear her. It didn't make sense. This whole place was a work of art and they had an art museum here somewhere. Wouldn't they have seen it a million times? Who made all that art and why is it here? Considering there were people starving and dying they decided to waste space here and place an art museum.

"Well done, CoG, well done..." Pyrrha whispered sullenly to herself.

Pyrrha arrived at the largest door she had ever seen in her life.

It looked more like a gate to a Roman city than a door with it's huge studs and bottle-sized pull rings.

"So who is this Chairman person anyway?" Pyrrha asked all four Onyx Guards around her. None of them even paid her any attention.

"Sir, we're right outside the door." One of them said into his helmet mike and instantly commenced the awkward elevator-style silence. Several seconds went by and the door finally opened with a deafening woody crack, revealing a large member of the Onyx Guard, making Pyrrha's guard stand to attention immediately.

Is this the Chairman? Pyrrha thought, trying to at least look respectful.

"At ease, gentleman." The large guard said officially, he then shot Pyrrha a strange look.

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