Episode 2: Homecoming Queen

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Two silhouettes stood in the giant mousehole shape in the wall. The same hole that Johnson and Pyrrha had entered through. They were both carrying weapons, but one could not identify them easily in the blinding light flanking the two figures.

"Pyrrha." One of them adressed. "It's good to see you."

Pyrrha's brow furrowed. Where had she heard this voice before? Was she just seeing things? Had she finally gone crazy?

"Have we met?" Pyrrha said lazily. "I'm Pyrrha." She said, extending her hand.

"Nice to meet you."

She had done it out of pure habit and she didn't even realise until the two silhouettes exchanged glances. Johnson walked down the aisle, carefully examining the two.

"What the hell do ya'll want?" Johnson shouted in anger, raising his bat. "You looking for food? It's ours!"

Again, the two silhouettes exchanged glances. They began whispering something to each other, possibly arguing about something.

"I'm talkin' to you!" Johnson said. Pyrrha held her head in confusion.

"Would you just shut up!?" She shouted ruefully at the top of her lungs. She spun around and threw her hands down.

"All you do is yell! And I'm sick of it! I've had it up to here with you! I wish you would just leave me alone!" Pyrrha screamed and kicked the cash register right off the counter.

After that everything went completely blurry.

At first her vision just lost focus. Everything around her went blurry and then it only got worse from there. She stopped seeing shapes and eventually she was just surrounded by blotches of colours, making everything around her impossible to identify.

Then it all went black.

Pyrrha awoke with a start.

She sprung right onto her feet, ready to attack anything, but there was nothing there.

Where am I?

She felt like she had just awoken from some bad dream and as per usual she couldn't remember much from her dreams these days. She sat back down on her bed.


Pyrrha looked all around her. She was inside some kind of large tent with a dirt floor. It was filled with medical equipment. Some of it she remembered being at the hospital in Grisham two years ago. Upon realising this, her first instinct was to check her arm. Sure enough, it had an IV drip in it. She didn't want to remove it, because she didn't have much idea of how it worked. What if it killed her if she tried to take it out?


The tent flap came open and Pyrrha quickly played dead on the matress. She payed close attention to the sound she could hear. There were a couple of beeps, the sound of shifting things around on a table and the sluggish slurps of what smelt like coffee. She could feel a set of heavy footprints coming towards her and she tried even harder to remain still.


Pyrrha felt a hand whack her across the head. She got up immediately, annoyed as hell.

"You can get up, I know you're awake." A familiar voice said. That's when Pyrrha realised someone had addressed her by her name back at the store.

"Who are you!?" Pyrrha said with a hint of panic in her tone. "Where am I?"

The man at the other end of the tent had his back to her. He raised a coffee mug to his lips and did not respond after a relieving sigh.

"We've met before. You probably don't remember me." The man said, spinning around.

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