Episode 7: The Impossible

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The world was in chaos.

The world outside, anyway. Through the arch window, a gigantic storm could be seen. Clouds of grey spat rain endlessly and gave the occasional rumble of a lightning strike. A small waterfall distorted the image that the window projected onto the desk in the dark office.

A fatigued figure sat at the desk, resting his chin on his hands, face concealed in the shadows.

A white sleeve materialised out of the inky blackness of the office space and into the slightly illuminated projection from the window above it. The sleeve was rolled up by a wrinkled old hand. The hand then came across something.

A syringe.

It was filled to the brim with a glowing yellow substance, which illuminated the desk around it like a dying zylume stick. The hand reached for the syringe, but hesitated as if it were warning it's owner that he was about to make a big mistake, nevertheless the hand mustered up the strength and snatched the syringe from its place on the desk and without a second thought it rammed it into the exposed arm on the other side.


An ear-splitting scream echoed throughout the large office the second a thunderous roar bellowed out from the heavens like Dr. Frankenstein proclaiming its alive!

A silhouette of a man clutching his arm appeared on the wall for a split second as the lightning flashed brightly. 

Thud, thud!

The sound of a man falling into his chair was all that could be heard.

"This is impossible." The old man said to himself. "There is no way to cure Lambency. The only way out is to destroy it."

"I know you disapprove, Richard. But needs must. Self-experimentation. Fine old scientific tradition."

Johnson and Pyrrha had virtually leapt out of their skin.

Johnson charged directly at Alex, while Pyrrha scrambled to safety behind the log she was sitting on. She had never seen Johnson so angry in her life.

"You son of a bitch!" Johnson screamed as he threw a powerful punch into Alex's face.

"Johnson, what are you doing!?" Glaster shouted worriedly as he watched the situation unfold. Ave took cover next to Glaster, not wanting to get caught up in any of this.

A confident smirk spread across Alex's face as he expertly swatted the punch away and retaliated with a quick hammer-fist strike to the temple. Johnson's head twisted left so sharply that he heard his vertebrae crack, but he didn't let it slow him down.


Johnson threw a cheap backhand into the side of Alex's face.

"He is a bad man!" Johnson shouted as she pointed at Alex. "He tried to kill the both of us!"

He repositioned himself into a fighting stance. Alex touched his lip and inspected his finger before testing to see if he could taste blood in his mouth.

"Johnny, Johnny, Johnny." Alex drawled dissapointedly as he spun to face Johnson. "You never could fight, could you?"

"Fuck you!" Johnson screamed, ripping the Snub Pistol from Ave's chest rig and aiming it at Alex.

"How the hell are you still alive!?" Johnson screamed.

Alex put his hands up defensively, but with a knowing smile on his face.

"I heard you were here." Alex said calmly. "I just didn't believe it."

"I don't believe any of this... How is this happening?" Pyrrha screamed, making her way over to  the two of them.

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