Episode 12: Favor for a Favor

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Pyrrha walked down the main street of Baroque. She wore her favourite dress, it was white across the chest, but blue across the waist. Strangely there was one frilled sleeve that covered her left arm accompanied by a black leather glove. Her hair was in a loose ponytail. She was only the age of 12. She smiled at some people who walked past her, acting innocently before she stopped at a group of kids playing happily

"Pyrrha!" One of the girls welcomed. "Do you want to join in? We've found a cool place to draw a new hopscotch court!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to see my brother for a few moments." Pyrrha apologised, but it didn't matter, because she continued walking towards the church.

Kevin was in there, deep in prayer. He was praying for a decent gun. Again. His eyes were shut and his lips were muttering something. Pyrrha cheekily snuck up behind him and pounced like a cat, aiming her claws at his neck. Kevin quickly rolled out of the way and stood to his feet.

"You're too noisy, Pyrrha." Kevin giggled. He easily towered over her with his height and superior physique. Pyrrha put her dukes up.

"You're too slow, Kevin!" She teased, slapping him lightly in his nether regions. Kevin quickly parried each of her hands and ran for it around the pew. Pyrrha ran around the other side. They continued to chase each other around in circles.

"I'm a hunter, Pyrrha, I'm one with nature." He boasted.

"It sure shows in your dress!" Pyrrha blurted. It's true, Kevin was wearing leather he made himself as well as feathers that hung from belt. Something a native american would wear. Kevin dived over the pew and tackled her to the ground. They continued playfully fighting, laughing and hitting each other in the ribs as they did so. Pyrrha saw the opportunity to kick Kevin off her and he flew backwards into the pew behind him, knocking out of alignment. He then stood up again in a fighting stance, throwing light punches that Pyrrha slapped out of the way easily, but she saw a powerful kick coming out of nowhere and with no time to react, she was knocked to the floor easily, dissapearing into one of the rows.

"You know you can never beat me, sweet pea." Kevin said as he walked along casually. "You just never had the nerve." He approached the pews in which Pyrrha was lying between groggily. 

"You never had the drive!" He shouted playfully as he leapt around the corner only to see that Pyrrha was long gone. He looked around confusedly.

"Hey!" Pyrrha called out from the other side of the room.

Kevin spun around.

"Eat this!"


A bottle shattered on the wall nearby Kevin.

"You missed!" Kevin said, spreading his arms out as if he were invincible.

"Only because I didn't want to hurt you!" Pyrrha said, jumping down off the stage.

" "Only because I didn't want to hurt you!" " Kevin repeated childishly. Pyrrha began walking towards Kevin angrily.

"Shut up!" Pyrrha snapped as she ran with her fist held out in front of her. She threw a powerful straight the second she got within striking range.

Kevin avoided the punch by spinning around it and hit Pyrrha square in the chin. She stopped entirely. She touched her lip. A little blood was on the end of her finger. Kevin stepped closer.

"I'm sorry, Pyrrha, I thought you'd block it." Kevin apologised. Pyrrha slapped his hands away from her and ran to the other end of the room.

"Leave me alone, Kevin!" She sobbed, she stood facing the wall so Kevin wouldn't see her crying. 

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