Episode 18: Living Happily Ever After

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Johnson awoke in the comfort of the soft bed.

He didn't feel any hint of tiredness at all. He felt completely refreshed, completely refurbished. He felt like he actually got enough sleep. He pulled the flower-patterened dooners aside and stood up with a powerful stretch. He was silhouetted by the giant smoky window in front of him. He wasn't encumbered by weapons or armour either. He wore a white t-shirt and a set of cargo pants.

"Where the hell am I?" Johnson said as he peeked through the window. There was a dusty street before him and some of the houses had been burnt down, but miraculously whatever had reduced some of these nicely built homes to ashes didn't affect the rest of the small town. He scanned the area slowly before coming to stop at a stone structure. It was a church. And just in front of it was a jeep that was peppered with bullet holes.

"We're home." Pyrrha said with a smile. Johnson spun around to see Pyrrha leaning against the door. She looked absolutely beautiful. Pyrrha looked like the beautiful young girl Johnson had fallen in love with two years ago. She had a cheerful round face and a thick head of blonde hair. She wore a blue hand-woven dress that stopped at her knees. The dress had a frilled sleeve that hung over her left arm.

"What happened to me?" Johnson said to the window. "Is this even real?"

"This is real, believe me." Pyrrha said lovingly as she wrapped her arm around Johnson's side and stared out the window.

"We were flying back to the mainland, heading for the Cougar's Stadium when we heard it was under attack by Lambent. We helped evacuate the people there to a safe place." Pyrrha explained. Johnson looked down.

"I had some strange dream. It was like some kind of judgement." He said. "What happened when I got into the helicopter back on Azura?"

Pyrrha had to think back.

"You passed out. You were out for a few days, as a matter of fact." Pyrrha said. She squeezed him tightly. "But you're safe now, I'm glad you're up. You must be hungry."

"Starving." Johnson confirmed as he held her back and kissed her on the forehead.

"Good." Pyrrha said happily. "I managed to shoot a deer and I've been cooking it on the stove for a while. It should be almost ready."

"You managed to get one?" Johnson said in disbelief. Pyrrha nodded happily as she got comfortable in Johnson's big strong arms.

"Four hundred meters away. The refraction from the rain messed with my scope, but I got him." Pyrrha said proudly.

"Sounds like a clean shot." Johnson said happily. Pyrrha nodded.

"Oh it looked pretty good." She said with a shrug. Johnson chortled lightly and hovered his nose just milimeters away from her's and said:

"You look pretty good."

Pyrrha burst out in laughter, holding her hand to her mouth as she did so.

"Thanks, Elijah." She said sheepishly. "I'll make us something to eat." She then dissapeared into the next room, leading Johnson by the hand.


The house was quite barren. The walls were empty and there was too much room and not enough furniture in here to even all it a home. No photo frames, fridge or a table aside from the one in the dining room. The only furniture in this house was the bed Johnson had just risen from, the kitchen table, some chairs and a counter-top nearby the fireplace if that even counted. Other than that it was completely empty. It felt rather lonely in here, like there was supposed to be more to this place.

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