Episode 14: Here till the End

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The gurney's wheels buckled twisted wildly as they were pushed beyond their capacity, making them squeak like a colony of startled mice. Four doctors ran with their sense of urgency as it's peak, all of their muffled and unclear voices talking at once.

"Stabilise the patient!"

"We can't lose her!"

"Damn it! Get the defiblirators ready!"


The gurney slammed roughly against a door and wheeled into a whole new room and, like a prison gate, the door slammed shut, standing in the way of anybody who wished to enter the room. It stood tall and it stood firm.

Alex was outside of one such room.

The label was clear: The Box. It used to be a reserved seating area for those who could afford it. It looked over the entire Thrashball field below, however, nowadays it had been converted into a surgery.

Alex's heart had stopped the second that door had closed. He felt like he had been kicked out of his own party. He was left high and dry while the ex-doctors did their thing, left with nothing but the slight hope that either of them would make it. He had to wait. It was bullshit. Now he had to calm down and wait? No!

But he knew there was nothing he could do if he were in there.

Alex sighed as he pressed his back up against the wall and slid down it until he plonked onto his ass. He then rested his elbows on his knees and waited like a good little bitch. He was just thankful that he even got them there in time.

Or did he?

These were the thoughts he wes left with. He had nobody to talk to about it and he had no one to comfort him. Pssh, like he needed anyone, anyway. Comfort? Yeah right. Yet, a persistent feeling kept gnawing away inside of his chest, it was the feeling that said They're both going to die in there. And when they do? What will you do then, Alex? What will you do?

What was he going to do? After all he'd been through so far, he wasn't very willing on giving up on the mission, even though his level of enthusiasm towards it might not have been great to begin with. The point was, Alex wanted to rescue Peerie now more than anything because he felt himself being fuelled by revenge. He felt himself being driven to kill.

But no, he had to wait.

He had to wait and see.

"Hey!" Ave called out from down the hall as she came rushing up. Alex continued staring blankly at the wall as she approached and he didn't move his gaze until she knelt down in front of him.

"How are they doing?" She asked softly. Alex let out a slight laugh.

"Like I'm supposed to know how they're doing." He said quietly as he shook his head and looked to the floor. Ave took a seat next to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Sorry." Was all she could say. "It was a stupid question."

Alex huffed positively to that.

"How did you get them here on time?" Ave asked suddenly. She furrowed her brow in confusion, it was a miracle that he made the long drive in such a short time. A smile spread onto Alex's face.

"You remember that dream car of mine?" He asked without taking his eye off the floor. "What was it called?"

"You mean to tell me you found a sports car?" Ave answered in disbelief. Alex looked up at the door, hoping for it to open.

"Turns out a guy named Charles had something similar. It wasn't the one, but it was close enough." He held an upraised finger. "Mind you, the damn thing broke down before I got to the stadium."

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