Episode 16: Where Have You Been All This Time?

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It was a simple question, really.

Where had you been all this time?

How were you here?

It was impossible, but against all odds here you are. You went through hell to be here and still, you are here. But the fight isn't over yet. You still fight, because you are so close, but you are so far away at the same time.


"Where are you, Elijah?" Pyrrha exclaimed as she awoke from her comfortable bed. She breathed heavily, shoulders bouncing up and down as she heaved each breath. She was covered in a cold sweat. She hadn't seen him in an eternity, she didn't know how long, but it was too much to bear. She couldn't find comfort in holding her pillows close because his verile smell wasn't there. That smell of sweat and campfire. That sweet smell. Oh God, how she missed it, his heartbeat, everything. She couldn't sleep without it. Despite the fact that it was always night time here. She found that Azura wasn't far off from Nexus. They were polar opposites, yet so similar at the same time. Strangely beautiful, but enveloped by darkness. Beauty and darkness didn't go together and that's what these two places had in common.

Such darkness.

It was strange to even think so, but she had been treated almost the same in every way. Respected, revered and remembered. There, of course, were dark secrets here. Dark, dark secrets that were kept from the keenest of perceptions, but they were there in plain sight. Azura was here for all these years and the scientists here worked their hands to the bone, but does it make it right? They have all these luxuries here and they live so comfortably so that people could one day live without war or Imulsion Sickness. But does it make it right? Pyrrha wondered if it made it right because that's how these people lived, without fear or worry. They had all the time in the world to study Imulsion and they hadn't found a cure yet. According to Adam Fenix, there was no biological cure, but his research into Pyrrha's blood would soon prove otherwise.

Or would it?


The door cracked open and Adam stepped in.

"Speak of the devil." Pyrrha said upon seeing him. Adam ignored her comment as he walked in.

"Good, you're awake, that means that you're able to move, right?" Adam urged. Pyrrha shrugged. 

"Yeah, I should be fine by now." She said, throwing the sheets off herself and standing up quickly.

"What's up?"

"The motion sensors have been triggered, I fear that the Locust have finally found us." Adam explained as he helped Pyrrha out of bed.

"It's important that I test this cure now." He said, leading the way to his lab, just down the hall. Pyrrha followed with surprising ease, it was as if she had never been leeched of her blood at all.

"But doctor, how are you going to test it? On me?" Pyrrha asked as Adam pressed open the large double doors to his office and strode over to his desk. He then took a seat and flicked on an old lamp. Adam shook his head.

"No, on myself." Adam said. "But I need you to oversee this. I know you don't know how valuable you are, but I need you to understand. I need for you to see this. If I have done this correctly, you will be the first to witness an instant cure to Imulsion Sickness."

Pyrrha's heart fluttered in her chest nervously, she didn't know what to think. Could her blood actually hold the cure or was it just some pipe-dream?

She was about to find out.


"Where have you been all these years?" Johnson managed to say as he witness Kevin walk forwards. Alex's jaw hung open, unable to speak and Johnson was the same until just now. Kevin looked much older than he had before. More weathered, beat up and overall he just looked... Wild.

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