Episode 10: Now Things Get Interesting

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They moved in so quickly, rushing towards Alex with precision and tactical expertise.

There were dozens of them, sprinting towards him.

No, they weren't sprinting towards him.

They were after Pyrrha.

"Boys!" Alex pleaded. "The fuck have you been all these years?"

One of them brushed past him and Alex angrily grabbed him by the collar.

"Answer me, you fuck!" Alex shouted in the face of the Mercenary.


Alex keeled over immediately, clutching his bleeding abdomen.

"Fucking amateur." The Mercenary said as he strode onwards. "Get the girl! Make sure she doesn't fight back." He barked.

A few men lifted Pyrrha up effortlessly by both her arms and escorted her to the direction that they came from.

Pyrrha tried to struggle for her life, but for some reason she couldn't move her legs and her back felt really strange. It was unlike anything she'd ever experienced before.

So, without any control, she let herself be dragged off into the blinding white lights, only being able to shout in protest as she was literally being kidnapped.

"Fucking let go of me!" Pyrrha screamed as she desperately tried to move.

Why the hell can't I move? Pyrrha's inner voice screamed. Did they give me something?

"Azura." One of the Mercenaries in front of her said to his earpiece. "We have the package, mission complete, requesting extraction. Over."

Pyrrha's ride came to a halt and there they waited for what seemed like an eternity.

Pyrrha's back was really starting to hurt by this point.

The way that the Mercenaries were carrying her wasn't the most comfortable position in the world and with her lifeless legs dragging along on the ground, it just put more unneccessary strain on her back. She groaned in agony as she meekly tried to free her arms, but she couldn't move very quickly. She didn't feel tired or sleepy, so they couldn't have given her anything like that.

The fuck can't I move!?

It was really starting to piss her off, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find a way to break free and her Lambency wasn't coming through on this one.

Just fucking move your arms, girl!

Pyrrha threw a look over her shoulder and saw Alex lying on the ground. He was completely still. Dead.

Where are you Elijah?

It all happened so quickly.

Johnson was dazed and a massive headache thumped furiously. He could taste nothing but dirt as he tried to regain his senses. He breathed unsteadily, creating minature dust storms with each breath. He, of course, had heard Alex shout out the word "Mercenaries" and not long after that did he find himself the way he was now. He was walking away, completely pissed off and the next he felt a force grab each of his legs and rip him to the ground, landing face first.

He was compeltely out of action.


A small dust tornado was kicked up by the arrival of a King Raven helicopter and Pyrrha smiled with hope as she knew who's it was.

The Mercenaries were startled upon its arrival, all shielding thier eyes from the powerful dust storm being created by its rotors. It loomed before them like a stampede of rhinos, ready to kill on sight. And it's sights were set on them.

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