Episode 8: Stranded By Choice

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The radio blared across all of the Stranded outposts from Hanover right to Indogreek, every Stranded was able to hear the call coming all the way from Glaster's little campsite. Glaster stood confidently with the radio in one hand and his old metal cup in the other.

My fellow Stranded...

Came the message.

A few heads turned to face their closest radio. An old man lying lazily in his tower who was drifting to sleep had been woken up by the sudden noise. The man twisted a few knobs on the bulky ham radio next to him to try and clear up the transmission. He turned around and called out to the nearest person.

"Hey! We've got something over here!" He shouted. People came running from the train tunnel immediately.

I don't need to tell you things are bad. Everybody know's things are bad.

A group of denim-clad Stranded were blasting music in the street. They were all bopping their heads and lighting their huge cigars as they partied the day away while a few reluctant people were actually watching their perimeter.

A child was trying their hardest to listen in to what the radio was trying to tell them.

"Hey! Someone's trying to call us!" The kid yelled out with two cupped hands. A few people exchanged glances and rushed on over to see what the fuss was about.

But they can become better, can't they? Everyday is a struggle for us and we can't seem to get on top because of those glowy motherfuckers who're trying to take our homeland from us.

People listened in. People from all over had already crowded around their closest radio. People who had nothing but the clothes on their back and who wore weathered expressions devoid of hope on their face. Teenagers, men and women alike all crowded around their radios be it next to the flaming comfort of a fouty-four gallon drum or in the darkness of the network of underground tunnel systems. They listened in.

We became Stranded because of a deadly war that has nearly pushed us to extinction. But it wasn't our choice to become this way, was it?

A few nods here and there.

We are faced with choices everyday, it doesn't seem like it, but we are. I am offering you a choice: The Lambent, as you know, have been increasing in activity in your area. I know it, you know it. I am located south of Hanover, close to what used to be called Hyde Park. As far as I know its the only place that is actually free from Lambent attack. We haven't had an engagement in over a year, but that doesn't mean that we don't struggle. We have recently been hit by a Razorhail storm. Funny, isn't it? The world's gone to shit and we get taken out by a storm.

But here is your choice, fellow Stranded. Help us recover. If we all work together, not only can we survive, but we can build a future.

Glaster's voice went from informative to passionate. He bellowed out the next few words in pride.

If we work together! We would be able to protect the ones we love and the ones we hold dear! We would be able to pull together the few resources that this world has left to make something beautiful! We could rebuild civilisation through teamwork, we could rebuild armies through courage and we could rebuild the life that we've always dreamt of!

If you make the choice to help a friend in need we would be honoured to have you aboard. We could build the biggest army the Lambent has ever seen. An army that consists of people like you and me, not like those filthy Gear dogs! People who want to live, people who want to be free!

Together! We can show those glowy bastards who's boss!

Together! We can defeat them and send them running back to their fucking holes!

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