Final Episode: This is it

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Johnson awoke calmly. His eyes slid open slowly as he gazed around the room. At first he didn't recognise it, but it slowly came to him. The room looked beautiful with it's marble floor and spacious design. It was magnificent and the bed he was laying in was equally so. It was Pyrrha's room in The Pinnacle Tower. He was still in Azura.

Johnson rose slowly because he felt heavy. Like his skin was made of lead, it was the same sensation as oversleeping or even of resting in a bed all day with no excercise. He threw the dooners aside to reveal his body armour, which made him breath a sigh of relief and he could see his weapons were leant up against the wall in the corner.

Now I know for a fact that this is actually happening.

Johnson stood up to find that his feet had trouble holding him up at first, but after a few moments the weakness in his legs subsided and he could move around freely.

"Pyrrha?" He called out. No response.

"Damn it." He breathed, feeling the inside of his ear to find that his radio was missing. A quick search over the dresser and beside cabinets revealed that it was well and truly gone. Johnson quickly took up his Remington and headed for the door, if she was still around here, he was going to find her. As he went to reach for the handle he noticed a small note attached to it messily.

I'll come back for you. Sit tight.


"What the hell?" Johnson said, trying to open the door. It was barricaded on the other side. He then took the note and read it over again before discarding it.


The entire building shook, making lines of dust fall from the cieling like something out of an Indianna Jones movie. Johnson quickly braced himself against the wall and looked out the windows at the other side of the room. Dark and stormy clouds slid across the sky and the ocassional lightning bolt flashed outwards.


Blinding light illuminated at the top of the window and the entire building shook again. This happened repetitively and Johnson could make out muffled and endless gunfire. Some kind of battle was happening at the top of the tower. Johnson decided waiting wasn't going to do it. He sprinted for the door and took aim with his shotgun, blasting it to smithereens.

Boom! Chck-chck!

The door eviscerated easily with an explosion of splinters and a cabinet with a brand new hole in it fell down from the door, letting the entrance swing open, presenting the way ahead. It was the hallway he had hidden in when he was last here, but it looked different. It was completely destroyed. Bullet holes and dead bodies of Locust soldiers were everywhere, desecrating this once beautiful place. Sandbag barricades were set up everywhere and a steaming Troika turret sat to Johnson's left in a pile of numerous bullet casings. A dead Lambent stalk clung to the walls surrounding the large window at the end of the hall, explaining the strong smell of Imulsion in the area.

Crrraaaack! Smash!

Something rumbled the very supports of the building once more, as if a meteor had just hit the roof, however the sturdy tower still stood strong.

"Pyrrha!" Johnson called out in a panic, rushing for the elevators. "Pyrrha, where are you!?" Johnson rounded the corner and ran for the golden elevator doors.


They swung open slowly as Johnson aimed his weapon, ready to tear everything apart. He steadied his sight and prepared himself for the worst. Pyrrha walked out and froze in place when she saw the barrel of the gun. She looked like she had been through absolute hell. Her clothes were torn, her hair was in a mess and she was covered in blood.

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