Episode 3: Memories of the Past That Will Always Last

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Pyrrha dreamt that night.

It was more of a traumatic memory than a dream.

"Run, Pyrrha, run!" Johnson screamed. Pyrrha sprinted at breakneck speed, clutching her Boltok Revolver with two hands as she did so. She ran through the narrow mineshaft, dodging the railway sleepers as she went. Her feet hammered the floor in an effort to maintain both her speed and balance.

Johnson was at the end of the mineshaft, gesturing wildly, urging her to hurry.


The Lambent's voices all screamed inside of her head. Pyrrha's hair stood on end and she could've sworn that there were fingertips brushing the nape of her neck in a desperate effort to catch her.

Legs burning, lungs pumping and heart going into overdrive, Pyrrha ran for her life.

A sharp pain slammed into her foot and before she knew it she was on the ground. She had kicked a railway sleeper and was sent hurtling downwards.

"Pyrrha!" Johnson screamed, sprinting towards her desperately. Pyrrha ignored the pain in her ribs as best she could and rolled onto her back. She took aim down her sights and aquired a target.

Her eyes went wide with shock.

The entire tunnel behind her had been filled with countless sets of evil glowing eyes, fluttering about like disturbed fire-flies. A thousand screams echoed throughout the mineshaft as the earth rumbled from the approaching stampede of Lambent-Locust. Pyrrha could feel the vibrations in the ground.

A ghastly figure materialised out of the inky black darkness. There was no warning, the skeletal and otherwise dead figure launched itself at Pyrrha.

She squeezed the trigger, more out of desperation to survive than anything else.


The figure disintigrated into ash like something out of Blade and it was a pile of embers by the time it had landed on Pyrrha.

Johnson's heavy footsteps came rushing up behind her head.

Boom! Chck-chck!

The yellow lights that had previously filled the tunnel were all extinguished with a single blow from Johnson's Remington Shotgun. It only lasted half a second and the cacophony of desperate and hungry screams didn't stop. The sound attacked their ears constantly.

Johnson hauled Pyrrha to her feet and began running towards the glowing heavenly light at the end of the tunnel.

"Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!" Pyrrha shouted in agony. She had begun hopping to alleviate the pain in her foot. She must've sprained something. Without a second thought, Johnson discarded his beloved Remington and used his free hand to carry Pyrrha before sprinting all over again.

The screams became louder. Louder because they were closer.

Much closer.

Johnson ran with Pyrrha virtually bouncing in his arms and the Lambent-Locust virtually scratching at his heels.

Suddenly everything went bright and nothing could be seen.

Pyrrha awoke virtually screaming. She breathed deep breaths rapidly, breaths of panic. She remembered that day well and she could still hear the painful screams of the Lambent in her head. Jacinto came crashing down on top of The Hollow that day in an effort to kill the Lambent. It didn't. Somehow they had managed to surface and take over the world in a matter of days.

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