Episode 17: The Truth Once More

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Pyrrha and Johnson moved through the halls of Azura with tactical expertise. Johnson had given Pyrrha's Boltok back and she scanned the rear as the two moved as one.

"Alex, come in." Johnson whispered desperately. He was still trying to calm down from being with Pyrrha again. Pyrrha wasn't too enthused about Johnson using the radio to call Alex at a time like this and it showed in her face.

Johnson came up to a set of double doors.

"Elijah, I'm happy to see you, but it's about Alex." Pyrrha warned. Johnson shrugged.

"Don't worry, we've sorted our differences." Johnson said happily. "We'll be fine with him. Also, I have somebody to show you."

"What are you talking about? Who?" Pyrrha urged.

"I think its better if I show you." Johnson said, pressing the doors open with one hand on the handle and the other on his weapon. He then ran through the next room aggressively, scanning left to right and dodging the sporadic lost piece of furniture.

"Alex, buddy, I'm closing in on the helipad!" Johnson transmitted. "What's the situation? Do we have a Raven or not?"

"Oh Johnson, you never understood did you?" Glaster's voice filtered in. "You simply couldn't put it all together, could you?"

"You son of a bitch!" Johnson screamed, kicking down a random chair. "What the hell have you done with Alex!?"

"Oh, he's unharmed... For now." Glaster said happily. "It might not stay that way if you don't hurry."

The transmission cut off.

Johnson, now fueled with a powerful rage, sprinted through everything that stood in his way. Pyrrha could hardly keep up, despite her cries after Johnson to just slow down. Johnson knew he was walking into a trap, but it didn't matter. He was going to kill Glaster.

He kicked down the final set of doors and sprinted out into the open air of the cliff side helipad. It was a nice spot overlooking the ocean, however Johnson couldn't give a damn. He placed his aim into Glaster's head, who was smiling triumphantly. Alex and Kevin had their hands over their heads and were covered in blood. They groaned in agony. It looked like they had been cut up by some kind of knife. They could hardly stay upright and their knees hurt from being on the concrete for so long. They were suffering.

"Glaster!" Johnson screamed in pure rage. It consumed him like a fire and his every action was fuelled by it.

"LET THEM GO!" Johnson screamed as he cocked his weapon. Glaster shook his head in disbelief.

"Listen to me for a moment." Glaster said pacing back and forth behind his prisoners, hands behind his back as he did so.

"I can't believe you didn't notice this earlier."

"What are you talking about!?" Johnson screamed.

Glaster shook his head dissaprovingly.

"You never understood, did you?" He said.

"You son of a bitch..."


The doors burst open to reveal a long hallway that stretched on forever. Pyrrha came rushing through it.

"What the hell is this, Glaster!?" Johnson screamed as he saw his target a few meters in front of him.

"The truth."

Pyrrha tried to comprehend what she was seeing.

"Elijah, don't kill him!" Pyrrha begged, taking a hold of the barrel of Johnson's weapon. Johnson shrugged her off easily, knocking her to the floor.

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