Part 3

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A/N: for those of you who don't know, these are army ranks from lowest to highest. Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel, and General of the Army. Keep in mind there are several levels of each rank and other less important ranks. This is just the major ones that I will be using. I apologize if these don't line up with Japanese ranks, which is where this story is set. If I get any Japanese traditions or anything wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it. I don't mean to offend anyone. Also, sorry for the slow progression, but I wanted to develop the characters before getting into the action. The next chapter will just be the boys getting to know each other and training together. Again, I'm sorry it's slow. Don't worry, I'll get to the action and the yaoi soon ;) Just be patient. And I apologize for this long author's note and I promise to not have too many of these or really long ones. Anyway, please be sure to comment and vote. It really helps me when I get feedback and I'd like to know what you think about it so far. Well, enjoy!

Finally, after a very long ride, we arrive at the camp. I lock eyes with each boy in turn before we climb out of that dreaded carriage. It starts today, our own fight. Millions of people have died fighting in this war and we might end up joining them. But we will never give up, we'll keep fighting until something changes. It was an unspoken agreement between us that we'll never quit. If one of us does, the others will be there to help him back up. And that's how five unfortunate boys formed a pact.

A Sergeant comes up to us and addresses the man who checked us off the list earlier. "Corporal, how many this time?"

"Five, Sergeant!"

"Good. Take them straight to the barracks. Then, I need you to assist Team E."

The Corporal's face falls. "Team 1-E came back, sir?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, none survived. They need your help in moving the dead."

"Of course, sir," his voice is sorrowful. With a jolt, I realize he's only a few years older than us. If I have to guess, I'd say fourteen. It's quiet on the walk to the barracks where we'll be sleeping. At least until we get shipped to the field.

The Corporal turns to us. "A bell will ring for each meal and for lights out. If you're caught awake after lights out or doing something other than what you're told to do, you'll be severely punished. The rules are strict here, but they are the rules. You are in Team 2-C. Each team stays in one barrack together.

"You will be expected to get to know your comrades. From now on, you will referred to as  a Private and nothing else. That is your rank and your name until they day you die or leave the army. You are to refer to your superiors as sir or as their rank and you will salute them until they return it. Does everyone understand?"

"Yes, sir!" we chorus, saluting him.

He nods appreciatively and salutes us. "Good. I won't have to repeat myself." His face is sad again. "I'm not much older than you five. I know how scary it is. All I can say is, I'm sorry you were forced to this." He turns to leave. "Oh, and one more thing. Don't ever try to leave. The penalty for that is death." Then he exits quickly, leaving us alone in front of a barrack full of strangers our age.

We face the other boys in the barracks. They're all staring at us with interest. I hear Tobio gulp beside me. He might be a friendly person, but these boys don't look like they are. And Tobio's too nice for his own good sometimes. I was always the one to protect him from kids who liked to beat him up. We walk through the sea of strangers to find some empty bunks near the end. Yayoi chooses one on the right and Takeshi takes the one above his. Tobio and I move to the left.

"Can I have the bottom?" Tobio asks quietly.

"Sure, go ahead." Shuhei chooses the bunk next to ours by himself. Luckily, he gets a bunk to himself rather than sleeping under or above a stranger. He's probably happy about that. Sure, we'll be fighting beside these people, but that doesn't make it more comfortable for us.

One of the boys runs up to us, a huge grin on his face. He has orange hair and a bright smile. "Hello! My name is Hyagyua Yuzu! It's nice to meet you!" He eagerly shakes our hands as we introduce ourselves. "All the things you'll need are over there!" He points to a pile of camouflaged clothes and combat boots. We grab some and stuff them in the chests at the foot of our bunks.

Yuzu runs over to his bunk, snatching a book from a boy with spiky black hair and comes back over to us. "We also get a few books! So far, this one's pretty good!"

"Oi, give that back, Yuzu!" the boy hisses.

"This is Kamiya Ibiki," Yuzu motions towards the boy as he stands up and yanks the book back.

He studies each of us in turn. "Tch, none of you will survive here. I'm surprised Yuzu has."

"That's not nice, Ibiki!" Yuzu complains.

Shuhei steps forward. "That's just it. None of us are going to live much longer. Most, if not all of us, are going to die."

Ibiki gives Shuhei another glance. "You've got that right. We'll die for nothing."

Angrily, I stomp my foot. "Don't say that! Sure, we might die, but it won't be for nothing! We're going to fight until the very end! And we'll be the ones to change this world! I'll make sure of it, even if I have to drag my half dead body to see it done! Because I'm not giving up and letting the next generation go through this! Too many people have died in this pointless war and I won't let anyone else lose their life without a reason!"

Everyone in the barracks stares at me in amazement. Ibiki seems the most shocked at my outburst, with his eyebrows raised and his mouth hanging open. My face heats up with embarrassment. I didn't mean to shout, but I couldn't help myself.

A slow clapping sounds from the front. We all turn to stare at him. His white hair is extremely messy, but someone sophisticated. "Nice speech there. So much optimism." He chuckles. "That won't last long. In this place, you lose that blind optimism really fast. Some lose their hearts or even their minds. It'd be interesting to see how long it takes you and just how much you'll lose." His smile is creepy and a shiver runs down my spine. I think he's already lost his mind. Either that or he was already messed up in the head when he arrived.

"Don't be creepy, Kotaro," Ibiki says. 

Kotaro rolls his eyes in Ibiki's direction. "Who are you to talk, Ibiki?"

"I'm not you! Don't even suggest I'm anything like you!" Their gazes seem to be doing battle.

"No, you're right. I certainly don't have such a temper."

"What did you say to me?!"

"Easy, you two," Yuzu pleads. "Don't you want the Sergeant to come in here again?" 

Both of them break eye contact and say, "No." Kotaro spins around and lays down on his bunk with his back to us.

"A-anyway. It's not really so bad here. We have...a few people like Kotaro, but most of us aren't that bad, really!" He smiles nervously. "I hope you all settle in okay. If you need anything or have any questions, just ask me!"

Shuhei cocks his head at Yuzu. "How old are you?"

"Huh? I'm twelve."

"Are you the oldest here?"

"Yes, although some of the others are close."

I catch on. "So, you were the first one in Team 2-C to get here?"

"Oh, yes, actually. That's why I help the newbies. I've been here longer so I know how everything works. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." He beams at us one last time before the bell for dinner rings. We all congregate in the mess hall and quickly eat what we're given. Apparently, we only have a few minutes to eat before we have to be in our barracks. Lights out is only a few minutes after dinner ends. That night, as I lay on my bunk, I think about my parents. I already miss them and I wonder how they're doing without me. I think about the fact that I may never see them again.

This Desolate Existence (boy x boy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now