Part 21

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My eyes slowly widen as I register what's happened. The figure in front of me is one I'd never be able to forget: Shuhei. He's bleeding profusely, but I can't tell where from. Since I had no weapon, he used his body to protect me. His blood makes horror chill my bones. 

"Sh-Shu," I whisper, astonished.

He groans, but stands up straight with his sword in his hand. "I won't...let you hurt Ran. You'll pay...for every wound you've inflicted on him."

"Shu, get out of here! He'll...kill you!"

He turns his head to face me, with a breathtakingly beautiful smile. "Don't worry. I don't go down so easy. He hurt my beloved Ranmaru. I won't let him get away with that." My breath hitches. He faces Kotaro again. Without warning, Shuhei charges like a mad bull. I watch in mute horror as the love of my life fights a hardened General. Kotaro broke a lot of rules to get where he is. He'll have no qualms about fighting unfairly. 

Blood flies and I can't even tell who's. Their bodies are practically just blurs in the night. I need to do something. Shuhei will die if I don't. I need to get up and keep fighting. It's not over for me yet. Not until I take my very last breath. I stagger to my feet, not remembering when I fell to my knees in the first place. I've lost a lot of blood, but the fight is still in me. My strength is quickly departing, but I'll have to make myself have enough to end this. I won't let him take anyone else from me.

I stumble forward, finding my discarded sword on the ground. Gingerly, I bend down and pick it up. My hands are slick with red, but my grip is firm. What strength I have left, I'll use to end the one who's cause me so much pain. I'll end him tonight. I made a promise that I'd keep living this desolate existence until I could fix the world. I'm not going to break that promise now, when I'm so close to achieving it. I lift my head to the sky as it begins to rain.

"Don't worry, Tobi. I'll keep my promise. I've only broken one and I'm not going to add to that. And, I'll be happy, too. I'll try my best, for you." I hope he hears me, wherever he is. As if the universe is trying to end my strife, I gain a new strength in my limbs. With a fire burning in my heart, I rush forward. 

I watch Shuhei fall, but I can't worry if he's dead right now. The only thing running through my mind is Tobio's voice, making me promise to change everything. My sword clashes against Kotaro's as he attempts to end Shuhei. My face is contorted in anger. This throws Kotaro off. With the faces of all he's gotten killed flash through my head, I shove him away and charge. My movements are stronger and faster than ever. Kotaro can't block them all.

With satisfaction, I watch his blood drip from shallow slices. He backs up slowly, on the defensive. My attacks are vicious and unpredictable. He gets one good hit in, but I don't feel the pain. I'm on a mission and I won't stop until it's successful. Kotaro will die tonight, once and for all. And it'll be my hand and my blade that ends his miserable life. I'll finally get the justice for all those he's gotten killed, directly and indirectly. His eyes widen in fear, as if he can see the souls of all his victims in my eyes.

I smirk, knowing he'll die with the thought of those souls on his conscience. If he even has one. I've doubted so many things when it comes to him. But I do know that he doesn't have the ability to love or feel guilt. Or he wouldn't have kept doing these things. He wouldn't have tried to kill me or Shuhei if he actually felt anything. No, he was searching for those emotions, wishing desperately that he could be normal. He used me to try to accomplish this. But, it didn't work. He still feels nothing but hatred.

He vented his anger by killing people and climbing to the top of the ladder, where they'd have to respect him. Even after I rejected him over and over, he kept trying. Until now. He finally realized that he'll never love somebody and that I'll never feel anything for him. He finally realized that no one could ever love him. I can see it all in his eyes, the windows to a person's heart and soul.

In fact, I see nothing there. The rage he seems to carry is nonexistent. He's completely empty inside. There was never anything in there. He has no soul. He just pretended to have emotions, pretended that he was normal. But I could see through him to a degree. He was never like us, I wonder if he's even human. Heartless doesn't even begin to cover what he is. He's a monster without a soul, the worst kind.

Finally, I knock his sword from his hands. Before he can blink, I have my own shoved into his chest. Blood seeps from the wound and from his lips. He stares at me, not even registering shock. He really is soulless. I feel the warm red liquid trickling down my arms. 

"It's over, Kotaro. You're finished. I hope you rot eternally in Hell for all you've done."

He smiles. "And...I'll see you...there, Ranmaru." I pull my sword out and his body falls forward. Steeling myself, I watch the light leave his body and his eyes cloud over. He's gone now, forever. The newfound strength leave me and I fall to my knees again. With tears streaming down my face, I crawl over to Shuhei's body. I rest my head on his chest, hoping to hear a heartbeat. It's faint, but I can hear it.

"Shu," I rasp.

"R-Ran," he gasps. "There's...something...I've been...meaning to tell you..."


" you...I've loved you...since we just...didn't to"

"I love you...too, Shu...I didn't even...realize it...until you fell that day..."

Tears run down his cheeks. He weakly raises a hand to cup my face. "I'm don't long...I've waited to hear you...say that..."

"I wanted to tell many times...but I...couldn't find...the right words..."

"I practically...started with you...and I'm...glad to...end your side..." He presses his lips to mine.

"We' apart...again..." I say. I close my eyes and let the darkness take me as I smell the scent of my beloved for the last time.

A/N: AHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so so so so so sorry! Oh my god, I'm crying so hard right now! This is so sad! You're all welcome to beat me up for this! It'd be a mercy at this point! :''''( I've cried so many tears over this story, Jesus. I don't know why I do this to myself and everyone else! So sorry, my lovely cookies, but I hope you enjoyed the ride!

This Desolate Existence (boy x boy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now