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A/N: Hah! You thought this story was over didn't you? I couldn't just end it like that! I'm not quite that cruel! But I got you for a second, didn't I? ;P I'm so devious, oops! And, yes, there will be smut! Enjoy the last chapter, my lovely cookies!

I look around at the pictures in beautiful frames on my desk. So many memories. I've recently started taking pictures more often. I want to remember every second. I glance out the window at the starry night sky. I'm always awake. Although my nightmares have faded to nothing, I still can't seem to sleep through to dawn. Besides, I have so much work I need to do. Might as well get it done now.

I smile to myself. I'm finally happy, something I never could've imagined. As I stare at the old, weathered journal that I can't seem to part with, I reminisce. I still can't believe it's been sixteen years since the day I joined the army. And it's been four years since I ended it all. Now, I'm the one fixing the mess left behind. I finally achieved my dream.

I stare at one particularly bright star. "I did it, Tobi. Our promise, our dream, is fulfilled. You can finally rest now. I'll take care of it from here."

"Yes, you will," a voice returns from the doorway.

I turn in my chair and beam at my red-haired husband. "I didn't wake you, did I?"

He smiles back. "You know I can never sleep when you're gone. If you're awake, so am I." I walk over and press a kiss to his lips. "So, you go to see your parents tomorrow, don't you?"

"Yes." I turn away. "It's been so long since I last saw them. Will they even recognize me?"

"They're your parents. How could they forget? I never could." He wraps his arms around me from behind. His embrace has always made me feel safe. His eyes are my Heaven and my Hell all wrapped into one. His voice is my saving grace and his body is my sin. 

"I've been feeling particularly nostalgic recently." I eye the journal. "Although I often do get lost in memories."

"You're always locked in the past. You should open your eyes and see the present." He spins me around and locks his lips on mine again. The kiss is passionate and we soon lose control. Oh, yes, his body is my biggest sin. Even after four years, I can't get enough of it. Our wedding rings flash in the candlelight as I unbutton his shirt.

I push him into the chair and straddle him. His fingers nimbly work on my own shirt. When I strip the fabric from him, I run my hands on his chest. I can feel his muscles ripple as he pushes my shirt from my shoulders. I roll my hips, earning a long groan from him. I can feel him growing hard under me. I pull away, a string of saliva connecting our lips, not wanting us to part.

"Maiko's asleep, right?"

"Of course," he replies.

"Good." I smirk, walking to the door and locking it. "Then I have a while to do with you what I want." I stalk back over to him, undoing his trousers. I pull them down slightly. Shuhei grabs me roughly, kissing me. He pulls down my pants and jerks me forward. I feel his finger teasing my entrance and I lean my head on his shoulder. I kiss his neck, leaving love bites as he stretches me.

Then, without warning, he thrusts deep into me. I throw my head back with a loud moan. He bites my neck as it lays exposed, leaving a mark. I continue to ride him, pleasure coursing through me. My heart swells with the utter love I have for this man. After all this time, he can still read me like a book. We were separated for eight whole years, but our love continued. With only our love, we can get through anything.

"Ah! I love you, Shu!" I cry out, nearing my climax.

"I love you, too, Ran," he grunts. We come together, our hearts and souls always in perfect harmony.


"Mother, father!" a shrill voice calls out. Shuhei continues packing the carriage.

I turn to the little girl, a huge grin on my face. "I see someone finally woke up! Did you sleep well, Maiko?"

"Yes, I did! I dreamed of what mother's parents are like!"

"Is that so?" I chuckle. "Well, they'll love you."

She giggles. "I hope so!"

"Did you pack everything like I told you to?"

"Mm-hmm!" She points to a bag sitting by the front door. "I even brought it downstairs!"

"Look at how strong you are! Pretty soon, you'll have muscles just like your father!" She giggles again. I pat her red curls. "Now, get in the carriage. We'll be leaving soon."

"Alright!" Shuhei helps her in, a large smile on his face. I walk over and pick up her bag, checking to make sure she has the essentials. I return and put it in the back.

"Are you nervous?"

"A bit," I respond. "But I'm also excited. I can't wait to see them again. I wish..."

"I know," he says. "So do I. But she's up there watching us." He points at the sky.

"I hope she's smiling down at us. And I hope she appreciates that we named our own child after her."

He nods. "She probably is. After all, Maiko acts just like my mother did before."

"I'm glad that she's young enough that she doesn't remember her real parents. She's already been through a lot."

"That's true. But, you know she'll eventually ask questions."

"I know. And I won't lie to her. But, she's our daughter now and she always will be."


I knock on the door, uncertainty tugging at me. Shuhei lightly squeezes my right hand as Maiko holds my left. I hear footsteps approach and the door slowly opens. The face that greets me is older and more weathered than I remember, but the eyes are the same. After all, this is the woman who made me who I am. Another figure joins her, though it seems harder for him to move than in my memory. I've also gotten older and I look so much different. But one thing will always be the same, these people gave birth to me and raised me to be who I am now.

"Ranmaru?" my mother whispers feebly, shock evident in her face.

"Hello, mother. Hello, father. It's been a while. But I came back." After all, I've only broken one promise in my lifetime. I'm certainly not going to add this to the stack. So many years have passed and I've gone through so much pain. I've suffered tremendously and lost pretty much everything. But now, the heavens are smiling upon me and my heart is lighter than ever. There's finally a ray of light in this desolate existence.

A/N: It's over! Oh, god, I can't believe it! Even though it ended on a happy note, I'm still crying! I didn't ever want to finish it! But like all good stories, it had to come to an end. This really was a wild ride, you guys! I hope you enjoyed reading it, my lovely cookies! This is the end of This Desolate Existence! If you want more, check out  my other stories. I'm currently working on Shadow of Akihito, which is also going to be a good one. And I've finished Losing Time. Both are yaoi, of course what else would I write! :'D I hope you liked this story, because I really enjoyed writing it.

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