Part 18

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Ruychiru, my Lieutenant, and Shuhei catch up to me, though they have a hard time with my furious strides. My Lieutenant turns to me. "Do you know who did this?"

I don't respond. "Have my horse saddled." He stares blankly at me. "NOW, Lieutenant!" He rushes off.

Ruychiru addresses me. "So, who is it? Who would do something like that?"

I hold the pin up for him to see. "Look familiar to you?"

"I don't know how my memory...wait." His eyes widen. "Isn't that the Takigawa family crest? The royal family?"

"Yes. I'd recognize it anywhere. I found it back there. It seems the Corporal ripped it from his attacker's shirt before he died. It's about time the King and I had a chat anyway."

"Colonel, you're not going alone, are you?"

"I need you here. I need all of you here to look after things for me. We are still at war, after all."


I stop at look at Ruychiru. He's never yelled at me or refused an order. "What?"

"You're not going alone, Colonel! Please think about this! It's extremely dangerous! Everyone here looks up to you, including me! What would happen to us if you died?!"

I look down, my black hair covering my face. "I made a promise a long time ago that no one else would die for this damn war. That I would fix everything and end it. I can't do that sitting here!" I jerk my head up. "So I'm going and you can't stop me! Don't disobey my orders again, Captain!" He opens his mouth to speak, but snaps it shut and bites his lip.

"I'm going with you," Shuhei says. He addresses Ruychiru, "I'll keep him safe. We were teammates a long time ago."

"Oh, alright then. Please protect him. We need him here." Then Ruychiru runs off. 

I look at Shuhei, a small smile -or what I thought was a smile- on my face. It's been so long since I've smiled. "It's just like back then, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. It's hard to believe there's only three of the old team left."

I frown. "Kotaro doesn't count. He betrayed us." Shuhei doesn't respond. By the time we arrive at the stables, my Lieutenant has my horse saddled. "Saddle one for Shuhei, as well."

"Right away, sir." The horse is quickly saddled. Shuhei and I shoot out of the stables and into no man's land. The castle isn't far from here. It's at least one day's ride, if we keep up a good pace. I hope the base will be alright. Ruychiru knows that I'm suspicious of Kotaro, so he'll keep an eye on him. But I still worry. Most of them are only kids, after all. But I have to trust them, or as close to trust as I can get anymore.

We ride for a long time and I know we're getting close. So far, we haven't seen any sign of the enemy. Although I know I should be glad, instead I find myself wondering why. Where are they? Usually we can barely leave base before they're on top of us.

Suddenly, over the sound of hoofbeats, I hear a whistling. I turn around in the saddle, but it's too late. I cry out as the arrow pierces my shoulder. The impact tilts my body and I feel myself slipping. I hit the ground hard, rolling to a stop.

"Ran!" Shuhei calls from ahead. He stops his horse, but I can see the enemy getting closer.

"Just go!" I yell back, standing up. I draw my sword.

"No way! I'm not leaving you!"

"Listen to me! You're almost to the castle! Go and get help! I'll hold them off so you can escape!"


"GO! NOW!" He reluctantly turns his horse away. As an enemy charges me, I slice out. I cut the horse's legs and it crumples to the ground. The rider is thrown and his head is bashed on a boulder. One down, about a dozen to go. Another arrow flies at me, but this time I see it coming. I dodge to the side and I hear a thump as it sticks in a tree. The next arrow, I smack out of the air with the flat of my blade. My horse, loyal as ever, returns to me.

I swing myself onto its back and charge back into the fight. Steel hitting steel rings out across the land. I parry his moves and get a good hit in. His blood is running freely, but he's not giving in. Another one gallops at me from behind. I quickly sink low on my horse and his sword misses my by a hair's breath. Instead, the blade strikes his partner, who falls dead off his horse. I spin around in the saddle and, while he's stunned by what he did, I cut his throat. Three down, eight to go. 

Another arrow flies, this time it's aimed at my horse. I jerk the reins to the left, but the arrow still scrapes the horse's flank. It whinnies in pain, nostrils flaring. That archer is getting on my nerves, but he's wisely staying behind the front lines. An enemy charges me, but I need to get at the one who can attack from a distance. I reach into my knapsack, pulling out an oatcake, and crumbling it in my hands. As he gets close, I chuck the remains of the oatcake in his face. It blinds him long enough for me to stab him. Four down and only seven left.

My shoulder is screaming out in agony, but I ignore the pain. The few cuts that I have are shallow, but I'm still losing a lot of blood. I'll only be able to take out a few more. There's no way I can kill every one of them by myself. But, when assistance comes, they'll be able to finish off those that are left. Hopefully, they'll be arriving soon.

I charge at the archer, needing to take him out as soon as possible if I have any chance of surviving. His arrows fly, but I manage to dodge them. I can see the fear in his eyes as I grow closer to him. That must be why he chose the bow and arrow loadout. He's a coward and is afraid of confrontation. Or maybe he's just not good at close combat. Either way, I'm going to take him out. My sword, covered in blood, sings through the air. The blade slices through his head, sending it flying. His lifeless body slips from the saddle, hitting the ground limply. Five down, six to go.

However, I don't notice one of the others pull out a bow. His arrow strikes my horse in the chest. It screams out in pain and topples to the ground, taking me with it. Its massive body lands on my legs, effectively trapping me under its weight. I try to shove it off, but my strength isn't enough and I lost my sword. I'm completely defenseless now. I close my eyes, knowing death is near.

A/N: So sorry for the cliffhanger! I hope you're enjoying the story. I actually ended up getting another story idea, so I stopped updating this! Gah, I'm horrible! And I kinda got writer's block, so I'm sorry if this chapter seems half-hearted. Hopefully, I broke through that and can write some more. See you next time, my lovely cookies!

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