Stay Close To Me

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WE HAVE REACHED 700 VEIWS OMG THIS IS AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for reading! Christmas is right around the corner and during than I will not be writing. Maybe. So I will be shooting out chapters as much as I can. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas and I hope to hear from you all!!


"We have decided" The General at the head of the table stated after the room had gone silent.

"We believe it is best to rescue the girl"



Screams of thousands of people ran through my mind. All I could hear was screams. I was confused and scared. 

"What's happening?" I asked out to my dark surroundings. 

"What's going on!" I shouted out hoping that someone would answer. 

I was usually not afraid of the dark. But this was different. It wasn't like the darkness that surrounded the stars. It was not like the darkness that filled the room after the lights went out. This was alive. It moved around my body fiercely stirring all my emotions into one. Fear. Suddenly the figure turned into one frightening image that towered over me. 


"Im right here. Im right here stop screaming" I heard as I opened my eyes. 

Ben was on top of me. His hair was tossed as if he had just woken up and he was breathing very quickly and unevenly. His face held a very worried expression. 

"Are you ok?" He asked me. 

I had to think for a second. For the past few days Ben and I had been living a dream. We stayed in the room pretty much all day, cuddling, talking and enjoying each others company. So why did I feel terrible? Why was something wrong? We were both on the good side now. We were on the same team fighting the same battle. So why do I feel like this? 

"Are you afraid?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"Huh?" I asked clearly distracted by the effect his touch had on me. 

"The dream you had. What happened?" He asked trying to soothe me back to sleep.  

"Just the usual nightmare" I said trying my hardest to change the topic. He clearly didn't believe me but something in him told him not to press on. 

"Get some sleep than, we have a big day tomorrow" He said and kissed me on my cheek as we lay down tangled in each others arms. 

"I love you Rey" He said as I was beginning to fall asleep. 

"I love you too" I whispered and I could feel the immense amount of happiness, excitement and joy radiating off of him as he held me closer in a tighter grip trying his hardest not to squeal. Slowly I fell asleep in his loving arms and soothing presence. 


"Supreme Leader we have landed and have readied the troops" The General said. 

I had left Rey to sleep for a while longer so that I could make the final preparations. Today we were going to terrorise a small sector filled with rebels. The rebels had to be taken care of in order to find a map of all the hidden rebel bases. Any civilians who get hurt in the process are simply collateral damage. It was a sand filled land with not much to give. How ever it was the perfect no where for thieves, bandits and rebels to trade and hide. Although it was filled with many people and markets everything looked bland, old and rusted. The sun was beating hot and every person was covered in sand or dirt. This place was a dead end. Nowhere. 

"It should be simple enough too take out the rebels in this tiny place. How ever finding the map will be a lot more difficult" The General continued.

"Rey and I will take care of that. All our forces should be concentrated on defeating the bandits." I informed the General. 

"Of course Supreme Leader" The General nodded and walked away.

Before he left the throne room he turned around. "Sir... Do you think it is safe to allow Miss Rey to participate in this battle. It has only been a few days since the operation and something may trigger her memory and make her remember. Or worse make her confused and panic in the battle field." The General warned. 

Usually I would just choke him but he had a good point and I was grateful to hear his opinion. 

"She will be fine, just make sure to tell her that they are bandits. Not rebels." I said in a sharp voice. I heard the door open and close and finally I was alone. I could feel Rey's presence as she finally woke up.

I began to smile. 


"Everything is ready commander" Finn teased. 

"Pilot. I'm a fighter not a politician" I hissed. Finn always liked to tease me about becoming a commander but I didn't want to. All they did was sit around and talk. I wanted to do something.

"So she will be there?" I asked wanting to make sure that nothing could go wrong. 

"Yes she most definitely will. We have the whole fleet armed and ready to attack. They have no idea." He confirmed. 

"Good now we wait"


I had gotten dressed into my clothes just before I heard a knock on the door. 

"One second" I called out and walked towards the door. I opened it and Ben stood there in his mask. 

"Can I come in?" He asked and the mask changed his voice into a frightening tone. 

I moved out of the way to let him in. As soon as I closed the door he took his mask off. 

"We have just landed. Get ready for battle we leave in a few minutes" He said with a serious voice. 

"I don't understand. Why can't we just talk to the bandits or try to deal with them in a more civilised matter?" I asked him concerned for the lives that were about to be taken. 

All I had been told was that their was a group of bandits that had a very precious item that the first order needed. It was not much butI trusted Ben. 

"Bandits don't negotiate, they are animals with no class, rules or principles." He said with disgust regarding them as a whole different species. 

"We shouldn't kill them all Ben, so many lives will be lost" I said. Although they were the bad guys a part of me. A large part of me. Was not ok with this. 

"They have the last piece of the map that will allow us to find all the rebel bases. Than we can wipe them out" He said determined. He grabbed my hand to reassure me. 

"I promise you that we will only kill those who need to be killed no more no less" He promised

Although it did not seem like much it was the best that he could do.

"Thank you" I said to him and walked away to finish getting ready. 

"We leave soon. Get your weapons ready. These bandits are savages"

Love With The Force (Evil Rey) (Kylo Ren x Rey)Where stories live. Discover now