This Time

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OMG 2K I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SO MANY PEOPLE ARE READING MY STORY!!!!!! I am so happy to be able to share my little world with you all.

I AM SO SORRY I HAVNT UPDATED but someone is trying to steal my story and it has become very annoying. They have hacked my account and tried stealing it. Thankfully I think the worst is over.

Ok I feel like I should explain. So I am creating new characters because so far with my plot there is not much I can do so I am creating new characters I am creating a new universe that I can control easier. There are just so many set paths for most of the characters in my fan fiction and I really don't want that so yeahhhhh. Deal with it? hahaha I'm jk jk I love you all <3 <3 <3 <3

Mei is also pronounced Mey or May. I spell it Mei because its cool and I game on PS and play overwatch so yeah hahaha. Any gamers? I am your basic Gamer, K pop (GO ARMY) K drama and anime fan so yeah I'm a nerd.


"But first" I said and shot out my finger pointing at a blonde girl in a storm trooper suit. "Who are you?"



Yeah to say that I felt out of place was an understatement. All of these people were deeply connected. I just showed up. 

"I'm Mei" I said stiffly and lifted my hand to salute but quickly shot it back down when I realised people didn't do that outside of the academy. 

"I thought you guys weren't given names" Poe said suspiciously while referring to Finn who only had a number the first time they had met. I could tell that he didn't trust me. 

"No that was only because I grew up in the academy. I'm guessing you were taken in?" Finn asked. 

I was glad that at least someone was able to relate to my circumstances. After Finn had betrayed the First Order we were told that he was a spineless creature with no regard for anyone. That he was selfish and easily manipulated. Now I knew that, that was not the case.

"Yes my brother and I, we joined the First Order to protect and help people" I looked around the village. "Clearly that didn't work out" 

"Where is your brother?" Rey asked cautiously afraid that it may be a sensitive subject. 

"He and I have different morals" I said dismissing the question. All of them looked confused except for Rose. She nodded at me and her eyes were filled with understanding. I have no idea how she knew what I was talking about but something about her was just so easy and kind. I remember feeling this way when we first met. She was so happy and cheery. 

"Is the interrogation over?" I asked everyone sarcastically hoping that being casual and showing no weakness would help secure my spot in the rebellion. It was risky and they could take it in a rude way but luckily they all smiled at my sarcasm... except for Poe. 

"Oh you will fit in just fine" Finn said laughing while looking at Poe. I had no idea what he meant but if it meant that I could stay with them it was fine with me. 

"I have been gathering civilians in a large house just over there" Rose said and pointed towards the house. We saw through the windows the faces of frightened people. 

"Good so Finn and I will stay together and gather civilians on this side and Rose, Rey and Mei will gather civilians on the other. We will bring them back to the same base, the large house" Poe said. 

I could tell that he was the leader, the plan maker of the group. He was a natural. Although he had addressed everyones names politely I could tell by his tone that he was not pleased with the new addition to the team.  

Love With The Force (Evil Rey) (Kylo Ren x Rey)Where stories live. Discover now