Twenty-Three: Files

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All night I couldn't sleep, One because of my mom. I missed her so much and the thought of not being able to see her again was devastating, Second was because the couch downstairs wasn't really comfortable.

On the ride to the hospital, I could barely keep my eyes open.

"I shouldn't have to go check my girlfriends files, All on the count of someone being jealous." Ethan snapped.

"Stop by Starbucks"

"This is my--"

"For peats sake, Ethan all I'm asking is that you stop by Starbucks or even the cafe on Cherry road. I need something to help me stay awake"

"Fine.." He sighed.

"Thank you" I rolled my eyes.

Ethan pulled up in the parking lot and got out with me. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Don't let this go to you're head, I'm just getting out with you, Because I don't want you to do anything illegal"

"Whatever" I scoffed.

After we ordered Ethan wanted to sit down at a table because he claimed his coffee would get cold if we went outside.

"You remember when Grayson use to work here?" I asked, Causing him to let out a small laugh.

I smiled at the fact I got to see him laugh. Its been a long time since I saw his smile.

"He use to get every order wrong and he spilt coffee on a couple because he didn't like their attitude" he continued to laugh.

I laughed along with him, And when I did...I somehow felt connected to him.
After our time of laughing about our embarrassments, We got back into the car.

As we were driving on the highway, Ethan said something that warmed my heart.

"Thanks for that...I really needed a laugh. Its been a long time since I even smiled" He said.

"You're welcome" I smiled.

We pulled up at the hospital parking lot.

"So...what's you're plan." I asked

"We just go in and check her files, And if she hasn't done anything wrong then you owe her and me an apology. And if she has done something wrong or get to slap me on the face as hard as you can, And ill break it off with Cassandra"

"Deal" I smirked.

We both got out of the car and went to the back side of the hospital, The side where barley anybody works. On our way to the elevator we ran into a pantry of scrubs. We quickly slipped one on, on top of our clothes we already had on.

"How are you so sure this whole plan will work"

"In high school I use to steal a lot so I came here to try to remove my records. Grayson use to help me."

My eyes widened. "Grayson?!"

"Yeah but he didn't really know, He was just the get away car"

I grabbed an ID that read Morgan. Ethan grabbed one that read Bobby.

We walked through the doors and smiled when we saw a computer.

When we got there, Ethan was pulled off back by a nurse, Who's nametag read Daisy.

"Bobby, We've been looking for you everywhere. You have a patient in room 99B who's giving birth to triplets." She smiled pulling him along.

"Oh, sorry ma'am, But I don't do that type of stuff" Ethan exclaimed, With a disgusted look on his face.

"Of course you do!" She said, while pulling him away onto the elevators.

I let out a laugh before returning my attention to the computers. I typed in Cassandras name, A picture popped up of her. I clicked her name and a tone of records showed up on the screen.

Name: Cassandra Greenwald

Convicted of the murder 17 year old boyfriend, Thomas Carter. Court trial June 24th 2011

My eyes widened as I looked through the rest of the files. From the looks of it, Cassandra came from a very wealthy family who had enough money to bail her out every time, And on every record she ever had, She killed her boyfriend or either the boyfriend's formal girlfriend. It even said she was in an asylum for 3 years at age 10-13.

I quickly printed the files and shoved them in my scrub pocket before anyone saw.

I couldn't stop worrying about Ethan. What if Ethans next? Hell, Just last night she said that I was.

Ooooo the bitch is crazy!!!
But you already knew that. 😂

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