Chapter fithteen: Busted lips

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A/n: I don't think I'll be able to post Monday or Tuesday so I just made this chapter somewhat long. Also there are now weekly shoutouts for this week, but maybe next week

I opened the door for her, the moment I did she ran to me, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. She sat the pizza down on the counter in the kitchen and came rushing back in practically shaking from excitement.

"Oh my god, Ethan!" She squealed. "I got two tickets to see Madonna!" She jumped up and down excitedly.

"Oh that's awesome!" I said. "Who are you going to take?" I asked, leading her to the living room.

"You, of course" she said shoving the ticket in my hands. I looked down at the ticket and remembered what Sara told me. She told me that her mom was cooking a dinner, and the part about it was that I said yes.

"Sorry babe, I can't come. I gotta go over to a friends house tonight" I said handing the ticket back to her.

"N-No?" She asked

"I can't tonight, I've already made plans" I frowned.

"Well who's house are you going to?" She crossed her arms, examining my face, and how it would react.

"Sara's house" I said

Her mouth slightly parted.

"Really Ethan?!" She raised her voice. "Out of all you're friends why her?! She broke up with you and left you broken but yet you're still chasing after her!" Her voice cracked, tears started to form in her eyes.

"It's not like that, Cassandra. It's just she asked me if I wanted to come to her house for dinner and I agreed."

"But, it's just a stupid, petty dinner. The only thing you're going to be doing is talking about the prison life anyways, besides, these tickets cost 250 a piece,and do you know how lucky I was to get these for free? No!I don't want to go alone just because you wanted to go to you're dumb exes house to have dinner" she snapped.

My eyes widened, Cassandra has never talked like that before, she's always super giggly and cheery, but then again...every time I brought up Sara she seemed a little taken back and mad at the whole situation, I always ended up apologizing or taking her out somewhere to show her how sorry I was, but not this time, this time I actually wanted to go to Sara's dinner and talk about the "prison life." Besides, Cassandra won't be too broken up about it anyways because her dad works for a company that gives him tickets every month if not a week.

"Cassandra, please calm down. We always go to these concerts, just relax a bit and not get use to people screaming in you're ear." I said placing a hand on her shoulder. She flinched away from my touch.

"So you're really picking her over me?" She hissed.

"You don't even know her, Cassandra" I said starting to get annoyed.

"I don't need to know her! From all the stories you've told me she seems like a complete mess"

"Those were all the bad stories, we've had our good times too, and plus she's a really nice person if you get to know her, but you don't know her and yet you still want to talk trash about her." I raised my voice a bit.

"You know what fine. I'm coming to the dinner with you, but I swear. If she pulls any tricks, I'm going to cut her hair out"

I sighed. "Just let me get ready"

With that I went upstairs to my room and picked out a white button up collared shirt with my jeans and black shoes to match, Afterwards I went to the bathroom to start getting ready.

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