Chapter seven: Posted

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Ok most of you guys picked A....all I can say is good luck (:/

I finally gave in, Ethan's lips made their way to mine and then we had a heated make out session. He grabbed my bottom and gave it a squeeze, making me gasp a little. He wasted no time finding his tongue into my mouth. He shoved me onto the bed and he soon hovered on top of me.
Just as things were going to go to the next level all hell broke loose.

"Well, Well, Well" Skylar said with a smirk on her face. "I knew you guys would try to hook up behind my back."

"Skylar please don't po-" Ethan said but Skylar cut him off

"To late honey buns, I already did" she crossed her arms

My eyes widened and I pushed Ethan off of me. My freaking body was on the internet!

I brushed past Skylar and ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. I looked at myself in the mirror.

How could I let this happen?!

Tears made their way to my eyes. My mom was going to flip and I'm getting exposed on the internet, and not just my mom but all the colleges aren't gonna accept me if they see freaking pictures like that!

"Sara, baby? Please open up" Ethan said knocking on the door

I was going to answer him but then decided not to.

"Sara, please? I know you're in there."

I once again didn't answer. Just cried in my knees, with my back to the wall.

"You're making me panic please open up!" he said knocking a little louder.

I heard the door jingle. Knowing Ethan he was going to get his way one way or another. He was going to try to break into the bathroom, after I've locked it.
I stood up again and looked at myself in the mirror once more. My face was red, my mascara was all the way down my cheeks and the rest of my makeup was running, due to how hot it was.

I can't let him see me like this...

I heard the door jingle and grunts of frustration.

I had to think quick. I looked around and saw some bobbypins, a mouse tail comb and a vent up on the wall. I quickly grabbed the comb and the bobbypins and began to pick the at the vents nails.

After about 2 minutes I had all the nails off, all except one. As I was picking at the nail with the comb, it didn't seem to budge and I could hear Ethan from outside trying to get in.

"I'm almost there" he whispered

If you was here, it would be clear to see that I wasn't going to pick the lock anytime soon. Just as Ethan was opening the door I jumped into the cabinet and softly closed the doors. All I could see was total darkness and all I could hear was Ethan's footsteps and my heartbeat, beating loudly.

"Sara, you have to be kidding me right?" He asked. "Sara please come out, I'm sorry. I should've never touched you the way I did, I should've kept my distance to keep you safe."

To late now -_-

"Sara please come out" he said looking through a near by pantry.

I heard him open and close cabinets near the one I was at. I held my breath, expecting him to open the one I was in next. But he didn't. The last thing I heard before he walked out was "I'm sorry"

I stayed in the cabinet bawling my eyes out, then I decided Skylar took it too far. I honestly don't know what got into me but I got out from the cabinet wiped my face off then went to Skylars room, where she was.

"Look who decided to show their face." She smirked "look youre pic has 80 comments and 50 reposts already" she chuckled bitterly.

I took the lamp from the dresser and threw it across the room at her, she ducked before it could hit her.

"Oh my god, what the hell is wrong with you!?" She yelled

Next I grabbed the scissors that was on the dresser and threw them right at her head, instead of hitting her with them she ducked once again and the scissors made their way into into the wall.

"You crazy!" She yelled

I was fed up with Skylar, she pushed me too damn far to the edge. I started to walk towards her.

What should Sara do?
A.grab her by the hair and throw her off the balcony and watch her slam into the pool below
B. Grab her by the foot and push her down the stairs
C. Just beat the shit outta her
D.All above

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