Chapter 4

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I called Brad.


"Hey, Brad. I need to talk to you about something important."

"Ok, Alli. What is it?"

"I think I might be pregnant.."

There is a silence.


"Yeah, I'm sorry, but what? You can't be serious."

"I don't know if I even believe it myself, but my sister asked me if I am. I'm not on my period when I should be."

"Allison, whatever happens, I'll be there for you."

"Thank you."

There was another silence. Then, he broke it. "How about you take a test just to make sure?"

"That's a good idea. But, how am I going to get one? I'm too afraid to go on my own."

"Your sister suspects you're pregnant, maybe she'll buy one for you."

I thought about it for a second, well maybe she could be trusted.

"Good idea. I'll call you back later, love you."

"I love you too." He said to me.

Then we hung up.



"Hey, what's up?

"I need you to do me a favor."

"What is it?"

"Can you buy me a pregnancy test?"


We got home from the store, our parents weren't home. It was great having a 17 year old sister that you can trust, and that can drive.

"Let's hurry up before mom and dad get home." She said.

"Ok, how am I going to do this?" I asked.

"You pee on the little stick and then wait for an answer, it's easy."

"Oh ok." I was about to close the bathroom door, but I opened it back up, "wait a second, how would you know?"

"Oh Alli, don't act surprised, things happen."

"That's true."

"And we will never tell mom and dad, right?"

"Right." I said as I closed the door.

A few minutes later, I opened the door,

"Well?" She said.

"Is positive good or bad?" I asked her.

"It's good if you want to have a baby!"

I almost passed out. I was waiting for her to say 'haha just kidding Alli'.

But she never did.

I started to sob.

"Alli, no. It'll be ok. I'm here for you."

I looked up at her, "no it won't, you don't understand. Everyone is going to think I'm a slut and they're all going to hate me. How will I tell mom and dad?"

"Hey, how about we don't tell them for a few weeks. And who cares what anyone thinks, you still have me. And hopefully Brad."

I wiped away my tears. "I guess you're right." I sniffled.

"You'll also have mom and dad's support when you tell them. Trust me, I know how they are."

That gave me a little more confidence.

"Well, time to tell Brad."


The next day at school, I went up to Brad by his locker.

"Hey darling, you never called me back last night, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything's fine..." I looked down.

"What's wrong?"

I looked back up at him with tears in my eyes. "I'm pregnant" I whispered.

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