Chapter 14

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In the beginning of my pregnancy, I was feeling tired and I slept very long. Now that I'm 26 weeks , I can't sleep at all.

I constantly fell into a light sleep, then I woke up because of a car driving by or something. I tossed and turned all night long. Then, the sun came up. I got no sleep, and now it's time to get ready for school.

I got up and looked in a mirror. I look dead.

I washed my face. Then, I slapped on some makeup. After that, I straightened my hair.

I wore a loose shirt and some yoga pants. By now, everyone knows I'm pregnant and I get looks every now and then. But, I have learned to ignore it all.

My parents both left for work already so I made my own breakfast and then I waited for Mary Jane.


In class, I wasn't tired at all surprisingly.

I was awake, alert, and I payed attention in class.

I caught Bethany staring at my stomach a couple times during class. Just then, I felt a sudden urge to pee.

I went up to his desk after he finished teaching and he gave us the assignment.

"Mr. Gibsy, may I use the restroom?" I asked him as I showed him my pass. The principal gave me a bathroom pass that I can get excused from class to use the bathroom whenever I needed to since I was pregnant.

"No." he said. That's when everyone started to stare.

"Why not?"

"Because, it was your fault you got pregnant, use the bathroom on your own time."

I was furious. I didn't want to cause a scene, so I walked back to my desk. "Fine, have fun cleaning up my pee when I don't make it to the end of class." I muttered to myself.


In the hallway, I was walking with Brad. I told him what happened.

"Mr. Gibsy is an asshole." he said.

"Oh I know." I told him.

Just then I felt a sharp pain.

"Ow." I said.

"What's wrong? Do you have contractions again?"

"I never did have them."

"I meant those Braxton hicks contractions." He said.

"No, I have a leg cramp." I told him.

"Another symptom of pregnancy?"

"Pretty sure of it."


Later at lunch, I couldn't stop eating. Cafeteria food was like heaven when you're pregnant and always hungry! People stared at me while I stuffed my face, but I didn't care at all.

But after I ate, I had heartburn. It was terrible.

I saw Bethany and for some reason, I felt anxiety. She passed by me, I felt really weird. It was like I am nervous. I don't know why. She used to be my best friend, now she hates me because I'm pregnant. I thought she was going to say something to me, but instead, she walked past me with a friend of hers and she gave me a dirty look. I felt awful.


After school, Mary Jane came over. Right now, she was my only real friend, besides Brad.

Me and her made cookies. After that we watched a movie and we talked. She asked me questions about my pregnancy.

"Are you going to breast feed?" she asked.


"Is Brad going to live here or are you going to live there?"

"He's moving in with me."

She was really happy for me and Brad.

"I'm starting to really want a baby." She said.

"Mary Jane, please, don't."

"Why not?"

"You're too young."

"Alli, we're the same age , and you're pregnant."

"It was an accident though."

"I don't want you to be alone in this, I want to experience this with you."

I couldn't believe what she was saying. I didn't know if she was kidding or if she was serious, but I was kind of hoping she was serious.


After she left, I took a warm bath and I turned on some music. I listened to Lana Del Rey, Marilyn Manson, and Linkin Park.

I just stopped thinking about everything and I listened to the music. When my playlist was done, I got out and got into my pijamas.

Priscilla was making both of us tea, while I waited, I sat on my bed with The Fault In Our Stars, the book Brad got me for my birthday which I haven't had a chance to read yet.

I sipped my tea while reading the book.

3 hours later, I finished the entire book and I went to bed. For the first time in this entire pregnancy, I actually felt relaxed and I wanted to get some sleep.


During the weekend, my parents finally decided it was time to go out and buy some baby stuff. We went to Baby's R Us. Priscilla came along with us.

"We need a gate for the stairs." my mom said, "We already have a door to the basement so that'll be fine."

My dad picked up the box with the gate and he put it inside our shopping cart.

Then, we bought outlet plugs and cabinet locks for safety.

"Hey look, we should get this." Priscilla pointed to a baby moniter.

"That's a little expensive and unneccessary." said my mom. She was kind of right, we didn't need it.

After that, we went to check out. I guess my parents only wanted to buy safety things for the baby, nothing else. But that's ok, we still had time.


Later that day, we set up the gate, and the locks and plugs. Our house was Baby proofed.Brad was over at that time too, he was helping out. We also re arranged my room a bit. Brad brought a few things that he was going to need. We made room for a crib and dresser for the baby.

Brad was now starting to move in. Right now, he only brought some small things like his toy car collection. Later on, he was going to bring his clothes and stuff, I already made room for him in my closet.

I was getting more and more excited for the baby to come and for Brad to move in.

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