Chapter 5

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Brad stared at me. "You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm not, I'm serious."

"How do you know?" He asked.

"I took a test and it came out positive. I have been missing my period and feeling tired. I am definitely pregnant."

He looked like he was sick. "Whatever happens, I'm here for you and our baby."

I gave him a kiss. "Good, I love you."

"I love you too."


After school, I did my homework and I ate some left over pizza. I started to feel tired.

Maybe I should take a nap.

I turned on my Marilyn Manson songs on shuffle and I fell asleep.



The alarm clock on my phone went off. 5 am.

I was asleep since yesterday afternoon and I wake up the usual time for school. Being pregnant means more sleep I guess.

I got ready for school and then I came downstairs for breakfast. My mom was cooking something delicious, the aroma filled the house.

"What's for breakfast, mom?"

"Bacon, eggs, hash brown, and toast."


I sat down at the table as my mom poured me some tea.

"You were asleep since yesterday afternoon, you must've been really tired."

I froze for a second, not knowing what to say. "Yeah, all that homework tired me out."

My mom gave me my plate. "Well at least you got some sleep." She laughed a little.


After I was done eating, I brushed my teeth and went outside to get my ride to school. My best friend Mary Jane started driving me since she recently turned 16, and she got her license and a new car.


I didn't want anyone besides my sister and my boyfriend knowing I was pregnant until I at least started gaining some weight. I plan on telling my parents soon so that I can get the proper care for the baby.

I felt a poke. It was my friend Bethany.

"What?" I whispered.

"You looked like you were about to fall asleep, Alli."

"Oh , oops."

"Did you even get the notes down?"

I looked down at my blank paper.


"I'll let you copy mine, you need these. Mr. Gibsy said that these are a part of our grade."

That's the least of my worries right now, but I still want to keep my grades up.

I quickly copied her notes to get caught up, after that I wrote down everything Mr. Gibsy was putting down on the board. Chemistry was fun, but only when we did cool experiments, not notes.


After class I went to the bathroom to throw up. Thankfully there was nobody else there besides me. Just then, the door opened. It was Mary Jane.

"Alli! What happened?" She quickly ran over to be next to me.

"I'm just feeling a little sick, that's all." I told her. I couldn't tell her it was morning sickness from being pregnant. "I'll be fine. But thanks."

I washed my mouth out with water. Then me and her walked out of the bathroom.

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