Chapter 13

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I woke up at around 4 am one night. I was having severe cramps. It was weird, these were worse than I ever had them. I got up for a second, then I fell back down. I think it's time.

I was pretty sure these are contractions , I was going into labor , right here , right now.

I tried walking over to Priscilla's room since it was the closest room to mine.

"Priscilla." I said, almost crying, "wake up."

The pain was horrible.

"Priscilla." I said a bit louder.

I saw her waking up.

"What's wrong, Alli?" she asked.

"I think I'm going into," the pain made me almost fall, "I'm going into labor."

She looked at me weirdly. "You're only 22 weeks."

"I know."

"That's impossible, you can't be going into labor."

"Then explain the contractions."

"Are they irregular?"

"Yeah, kinda." I said.

"Then they're Braxton hicks contractions, just lie down, and go back to sleep, you'll be fine."

"Ok, thank you"

"Alli, stop worrying so much, it's fine."

I smiled , even though I was still in pain and I went back to bed.

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