Chapter 12

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It's been a month. My stomach has really been showing, people could tell I am pregnant, I heard many whispers at school as I walked by.

My parents and his parents have gotten used to the fact that I'm having a baby.

Today was my next appointment.

This time, both mine and Brad's mom came along. We went into the office and waited for me to get called.

"Today we get to find out what you're having, right?" he asked.

"Yes, today's the day." I was so excited. I couldn't wait until I knew what gender my baby was going to be.

When they called me in, I first got weighed.

"You weigh 125 pounds." She said.

"I've gained a lot." I laughed a little. I didn't mind that I was gaining weight, it was good for the baby.

I then sat down in a chair, and they once again put the clear gel on my stomach. I saw the baby again.

"Can we get a print out of the ultrasound?" my mom asked her.

"Sure, I'll do that for you right now and you can have it at the end of the appointment." Dr. Johnson told her.

"Thank you."

The doctor looked around on the screen. Then , she smiled.

"Would you like to know what gender your baby is?"

"Yes!" I was so excited to know.

"Your baby is going to be a girl!" She said.

"I'm so happy, that's what I've been wanting!" I yelled, maybe a little too loud. I didn't care, I was happy.

"I'm happy too, I wanted a boy but I'm happy with a girl too." said Brad.

Dr. Johnson left and came back with a copy of the ultrasound. Our baby was beautiful.

"I have a question." I asked her.

"What is it?"

"When is she due?"

"She is due.." she looked at the clipboard, "August 25th"

"Great, thanks." I said.

"Does anyone have any more questions?" she asked. Nobody said a word. "Alright, you're free to go."

"I'm so happy" I said as we were leaving.

"Your baby girl is going to be gorgeous." Brad's mom said to me.

She was going to be gorgeous. Now here comes the fun part, buying pink everything and coming up with a name.


I couldn't hide my pregnancy anymore. I at least had to tell my best friends.

Before school, I got into Mary Jane's car.

"I have something I need to tell you." I said. I was a little afraid of what she was going to say, but I had to tell her before she finds out herself and gets mad at me for not telling her.

"What is it?" she smiled.

"I'm pregnant."

"Wait, really?" She was happy.

"Yes, I'm having a girl."

"Congrats Alli, if you need a godmother, I can be it. Omg , I can't wait to start buying you stuff for the baby, this is so exciting."

She kept going on and on about my baby. At least I have Mary Jane's support. Telling Bethany is going to be easy.


I decided I'm going to tell her in class, while everyone is working on homework.

"Bethany, I have something to tell you."


"I'm pregnant" I smiled. She looked at me in disgust. Oh no, this is not going as well as I thought.

"You're pregnant?" she said in a quiet but sassy tone.

"Yeah." I didn't know what else to say.

"Wow, I just lost all my respect for you." she said.

That was rude.

"Oh so now you're not going to be my friend anymore?"

"I didn't say that, I'm just disgusted."

I got up. "Fine, be disgusted, I'll just go with my baby and sit somewhere else."

I wanted to cry so bad. What if everyone reacts like Bethany did? I'll have nobody to talk to.

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