Chapter 7

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After school, Brad came over. My mom bought us Taco Bell. After we ate, he came upstairs to my room.

"Brad, people at school are making rumors about me."

"What kind of rumors?"

"Rumors about me being pregnant." I paused for a second, "technically they aren't rumors since it's true, but how would they know that I'm pregnant?"

"Alli, just ignore them. Eventually, everyone will know the truth. They will say things about you at first, but when you actually have the baby, you'll be very popular. Everyone loves babies!"

"You think so?"

"I know so."


My 16th birthday was coming up very soon. I told my parents I didn't want a big party like my sister had, and they understand. But, they are getting me a cake and presents.


A week later, we were watching a movie in class so I dozed off for a bit. Until, the class's phone rang. That woke me up.

My teacher picked it up.

"Allison, they want you in the counseling office."

I wondered what that could be about. I got up and walked down the hall. I was getting tired very easily from all this walking. Another symptom of pregnancy.

I went inside the office and there was a lady at her computer.

"Hi, Allison."

"Hi. Why am I here? Am I in any trouble?"

"Well, no. But you could be."

I started to feel a little nervous.

"A student came in here to tell me that you are pregnant, is that true?"

I started to have another anxiety attack.

I had to lie. "No ma'am."

"Ok, I believe you. It was just a question."

She looked back at her computer screen.

"If these rumors don't stop going around, I am going to have to take them seriously and call your parents."

I started to feel the anxiety again , this time even more.

"Ok, I understand."

"Good, you can go back to class now."

I left without saying a word. That was so close.


Later that day I told Priscilla about what happened.

"You're going to have to tell them sooner or later. You better tell them before the counselors tell mom and dad."

"I know, I know." I said, "but I want to wait until after my birthday."

"Ok, that won't be long from now."

"Yeah. Thanks for being there for me sis."

"Anything for my baby sister."

We hugged.


I woke up. It's finally Saturday and it's my 16th birthday!

I came downstairs.

My mom and dad rushed over to me with a gift.

"Happy birthday sweetheart!" They both said,

"Aww thanks!"

I opened up my present. Inside was an iTunes gift card, a couple tops, and a book about a pregnant teen.

I started to have anxiety attack , hoping they wouldn't notice.

"Why did you get me a book like this?"

"Well, we figured you would like it" said my dad.

"And you can learn about a girls experience with teen pregnancy!" Said my mom.

I don't think they suspect anything.

"Thanks guys! I love you."

"We love you too." They said.


"They got me a book about teen pregnancy, isn't that so funny?"

"Yeah, it is. Do you think they know?" Asked my sister.

"Nope, not at all. They would've beat me by now."

"True." she said, "anyways, here's my gift to you."

I opened it up.

"bottles? diapers? pacifiers? gee , thanks sis."

"Haha , just kidding , that's not your real gift, but those will come in handy for the baby, early presents for your little one! Don't worry, I'll keep them safe in my closet, mom and dad will never look in there."


She threw the bag in the back of her closet.

"Anyways, come with me for your real gift."

I went with her to her car. She took me to the movies to see a romantic comedy. Then, we went to Olive Garden for lunch. My phone vibrated while I was there. It was a birthday text from Bethany.

"That was great, thanks." I said to Priscilla.

"You're welcome."

When I got home, my mom and dad were getting my cake ready.

I blew out the candles then we all had a slice.

Just then, there was a ring at the door. I opened it, it was Brad holding a wrapped present in his hands.

"Happy birthday." He kissed my cheek then he came inside.

"We just had cake, do you want a piece?"

"Yes!" He got really excited, "oh and open your present"

I opened it. It was a book. The Fault in Our Stars. I've been wanting to read it in so long,

"Thanks Brad." I gave him a kiss.

"I knew how much you've been wanting to read it."

I smiled. This was a great birthday. I almost forgot that I am 12 weeks pregnant and feeling chubby.

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