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Annabelle started crying, and that woke me up.

"Ugh." I said out loud.

Brad was up too. "I'll get her this time." He said.

"Maybe she's hungry." I said.

"Got it."

Brad put hot water into the bottle and he poured in some powder formula.

"Ugh why can't you just feed her Alli? It would be so much easier."

"She's allergic to milk, remember?"

"I know."

He was half asleep while he was trying to feed her.

I watched him feed her, finally some peace and quiet.

After she finished, he put her back in her crib and she fell right asleep.

Brad went back to bed and then we both fell asleep.


A few weeks later.

"Annabelle needs to look perfect!" I said as I brought different dresses up to her. She just smiled and laughed the entire time.

"You weren't freaking out this much when your family was coming to see her." he said.

"I know, but she needs to look really cute for when Mary Jane and Bethany come to see her for the first time today."

"Once again, it's really no big deal."


Just then, I found the perfect dress. It was a baby blue dress with a little ribbon down the middle with a butterfly on it.


A little while later, Mary Jane arrived with Bethany. They both had presents.

"The presents are here, I mean your friends." said Brad.

I laughed. I went up to the door and I opened it.

"Hey, come on." I said.

They followed me up to my room where Brad was playing with Annabelle.

"Aww she's so cute!" said Bethany.

"I know!"

They played with her a little bit.

"Oh yeah, here's your present." said Bethany. Mary Jane gave me hers too.

I picked up Annabelle and I sat on the bed.

"Let's open up these presents!" I said to Annabelle.

I first opened up Bethany's gift. There was a few toys to hang up on a stroller , and there were some slippers and hair bows in every color of the rainbow.

"Thanks Bethany." I said, "say thanks to Bethany, Annabelle."

Annabelle just smiled.

Then, I opened up Mary Jane's gift. There was a game to press light up buttons, there was also an outfit, a top and pants, with matching accessories.

"Thanks Mary Jane." I said, "Annabelle , say thanks."

Once again, she just smiled.

"She loves your presents." I said, "oh and Mary Jane, how's your pregnancy going?"

"It's going great, I'm 7 weeks pregnant so far. But I forgot to tell you.."


"John and I broke up."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, really, I can raise my baby all by myself." she said. She tickled Annabelle's foot.

They played with her for a while until she started to feel tired.

"It's time for her nap." I said.

"Oh then we better get going." said Mary Jane.

"Oh ok, see you." I said.



Later that day, Brad and I took Annabelle to the mall.

We walked around buying some stuff for her and then we went for some lunch.

After that, we walked around a little more.

"Brad, there's people from our school."

There was an entire group of people that I knew they didn't like me. We walked in a different direction so they wouldn't see us, but they saw us and they came over anyways.

"Aww she's so cute!" said a girl that absolutely hated me.

Wow, can you say fake.

Everyone was asking me questions and what her name is and that kind of stuff. I answered all their questions.

"Can I hold her." asked the same girl.

"Well, we have to get going, so I'll see you around." said Brad.


We went to Brads car and we drove all the way home with Annabelle.

"We'll be starting school soon." I said.

"I know."

We were both sad we couldn't spend as much time with our baby.

"At least my mom stays at home, she'll be taking good care of Annabelle."

"Yeah." he smiled. Then, we kissed.

15 and PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now