Chapter 6

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I woke up one morning feeling weird, I looked down at my stomach, the bloating from last night hasn't gone down like it usually did. I think I am now starting to show and I'm only 11 weeks.

I was going to leave for school when my dad looked up from his newspaper.

"Hey fatty, have fun at school."

Did he notice my stomach? I looked like I was about to cry.

"I was only kidding, geez. Girls get offended so easily."

I laughed a little, "haha good one dad , love you."

"I love you too sweetheart."

I then went out the door.


I saw Brad by his locker.

"Hey." I kissed his cheek.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked.

"Nothing much, just feeling tired." I told him.

"Aww , too bad you can't go back to sleep."

"Tell me about it."

He got his books and we walked to class together.


In history, a girl that I have never even talked to, sat right next to me.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey." she replied, "you're Allison, right?"


"Is it true that you're pregnant?"

"Wait, what? No..?" I started to have an anxiety attack.

"Oh, there were people at lunch talking about you and they think you're pregnant, so I was just wondering."


"Yeah, sorry to bother you, see you."

That was weird. The only people that know are Brad and Priscilla. I told Brad not to tell anyone, and he sits with me at lunch anyways. It couldn't have been him. Priscilla doesn't even go to my school, she's in college, she wouldn't have told either. Unless , people are starting to notice my stomach. Or they are just making their own rumors, but in a way it isn't a rumor, since it's true.

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