Chapter 3 - The Plan

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                * Peppers Pov *
P.s I've decided to make this story switch views sometimes:)
     I had a great plan for the next day. I thought it up while in sixth period social studies. No one ever pays attention anyways. I thought if I got up really early I could beet the pyrokinetics to class. I got away from my dad that evening. He was out drinking, so he was most likely going to be passed out in the morning. This made my plan even more perfect. Of course I still had to walk to school, which I was not looking forward to. It was pretty far away. Flyers didn't have to worry about that.

     I woke up early as planned, took a shower, and got dressed. As I suspected my dad was passed out in his chair. I didn't even have to be that quiet. Nothing wakes him up in that state. I slipped out the door with no problem. As predicted the walk was long, cold, and painful. I was still sore from yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. I was always sore, so it ain't like I picked a particularly bad day to try this.

     I arrived at school about five minutes after the doors automatically unlocked. My plan was to go straight to Mrs. Klines class. There was no way they could get me. They couldn't have made it in in the five minutes I wasn't here. But as soon as I came through the doors, I was shoved against a locker. It was only one guy this time, but he was still the leader of them. The strongest by far. He reared back about to punch me. Then suddenly his arm dropped. He started struggling to hold up his arms as if they weighed a million pounds. I looked over to see Robin staring directly at him. He made a motion telling be to leave. I ran off as he told me to. When I made it to Mrs. Klines classroom I took my seat and pulled out a book. She looked up at me with an odd expression. It was understandable since I'm usually almost late.

     A few minutes later Robin came walking in. He sat in his seat right next to mine. I leaned over barely and meekly asked, "Why did you save me back there." He glanced at me for a split second, then turned his head away again. No one had ever saved me before.

     Before I could ask him again, a hand full of girls came in. When they saw Robin they started giggling excitedly. The head girl, completely disregarding me and the teacher, strutted over to Robin. She seductively flipped her hair and put her hands on his desk."Hi Robin," she said with a sicklingly sweet, high pitched voice. He looked her right in the eye and with a fairly low voice said, "go away." The simple phrase was said with so much venom, it sent shivers down my spine. The girl however, wasn't phased in the slightest."Well," she spat, returning the venom. She then proceeded to strut over to her desk and sit down. Her little group doing the same.

     Being a photokinetc she sat next to the window. I stared longingly as she grabbed a pinch of sunlight flowing through the window and proceeded to twirl it around her finger in a bored manor.

     She caught me staring after a  minute."Never gonna happen wingless."She spat."I was-I was just-just looking at your light bending. I swear."I stuttered, blushing very deeply. I felt nothing of the sort towards her. Maybe just a hint of jealousy. How could she be so bored of a gift like that. Well I suppose she has had it awhile. If I ever get mine, I will do my best to cherish it.

     So far the day had proved to be very interesting. After my first two boring classes, I had the infamous p.e (gym). Now this wasn't any ordinary gym class. After doing our laps, which you can't use your wings at, we were supposed to 'play a game'. Of course for someone like me they are never fun. Let's just say I'm not very good at football (American). Especially if it involves wings. Only half of the teams are supposed to be able to use wings. I guess it's just to include the wingless. Even if im the only one left. Today however, was more then a little different.

     First off, the computer lab was getting an upgrade, so that class was coming to our gym class. Robin was in that class. Maybe I could get to ask him why he saved me again. Eh, he probably wouldn't answer if I did. It was probably just out of pity anyway. Still, even that would be nice. I've never had sympathy before. People in books get annoyed by it all the time, but it don't seem so bad to me.

     The second thing to happen started with the gym coach. He seemed very excited. Of course I had no idea why. Then he blew his whistle and called us to the front of the gym. We crouded around him as he spoke. I awkwardly stood out of the huddle."It has come to my attention that everyone finally  has there wings and abilities!"he yelled cheerfully."Now we get to begin a game played with your abilities. As your coach, a part of my job is to help you get better at your skills."he yelled excitement somehow growing even more."I will divide you into teams with as even abilities as possible. We are gonna go out to the field, and the first team to get the other teams flag to their teams pole wins. Capture the flag, only way more interesting and fun to watch.

     As he herded everyone out the door, I stayed back a bit to point out his mistake."Um, sir?"I spoke timidly."I don't have my wings and powers yet." I squeaked. He looked me up and down in my red gym uniform. He quickly realised his mistake."Oh, I'm sorry young man. I guess you'll just have to sit this out."he said sadly. I followed him to the bleachers to watch. I knew this would be interesting.

   Hey guys. This one is a tad bit shorter. I know the chapters are short, but I think that will help them be a little more consistent. As I said I will start switching POV in the next chapter. As always thanks for reading! BBYYYEEE!!!

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