Chapter 5 - City of Angels

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               PEPPER'S POV
     I couldn't breath. I don't know what I expected, but he caught me off guard. I was waiting at the door like he told me to, when I saw him running down the wide hallway."You ready?"he yelled loudly as he advanced towards me. Then before I could collect my thoughts, he grabbed me in a hug, spread his wings, and darted out the door. When I snapped out of my dazed state, I realized I was in the sky. Robin was was still holding me in a tight hug.

     He turned me around, then wrapped his arms around me from behind and clasped his hands together in the front. I had never seen something more extraordinary. Large groups of angels were flying amongst the huge white clouds. Flying crossing guards were directing all the traffic. Mothers were flying with big bags of new, unwrapped gifts. They were for the holidays, which I haven't celebrated in so long. Telikinetic parents had their bags simply floating behind them. My favorite things amongst that beautiful chaos, were the photokinetic community workers grabbing sunlight, balling it up, and sitting them along the invisible paths. They were so when the sun sets, a little of its light would be saved to light the way. I wish I had a bright path, but mine is completely dark.

     Then all of a sudden, we dropped. My stomach did the same. When we'd landed safely in front of a cute, blue house, I had to do my best not to puke. I had never been on a roller coaster, but I thought that's what it would have fealt like.

     He pulled me up the flower lined path and to the door."Oh, your home! How was your day? Oh, who is this? Did you make a friend?!"a woman I supposed was his mom bombarded him with questions. He turned red and continued to drag me past her and up the stairs. He brought me to a room that was no doubt his bedroom. I stared in shock for a moment. It was amazing. I never had a very nice room. I still fit in my twin sized bed from when I was little, but I have no new decor. He had band posters of every genre. I never get to listen to music. I don't know what it feels like. He had a fairly big tv on his wall. I legit didn't know you could do that. A tv in a bedroom! My dad has a tv in the living room, but I've never been allowed to use it. What really caught my attention was the sound proof padding on the walls. What could he be doing so loudly he needs a sound barrier?

     I stiffened when my eyes wandered to him sitting on his bed. He was staring at me weird. That's when I realized I had been staring like I had never seen a proper bedroom before. I hadn't, but he didn't have to know that. I stood there awkwardly for a second."I don't bite," he said jokingly."Well, my mom may suffocate, so you can keep your distance from her if you want,"he said with a small laugh. If I wasn't so shocked I would have done the same. It's easy to make me laugh, because I don't get the chance to often. Still, the fact that this serious gyrokinetic was joking, had me so confused. I knew then, I needed to figure this guys real personality out.
               ROBIN'S POV
     I had not one idea why he was staring at me like that. He slowly walked over and sat next to me."I don't believe I ever got your name,"I told him, just realizing that."Oh sorry, I'm Pepper,"he said timidly.'Pepper' fit him really well. I quickly remembered why he was here."So!"I turned to him quickly to see him jump a bit. I couldn't help but smile. His timidness fit well with his small size."You want help getting your wings?"I asked. He shook his head yes quickly.

     I wasn't sure I could do it. Still, I thought it was worth a try. My idea was based from the fact that abilities are based on personality. If I could figure out his personality I could help him."Do you have any hobbies or interests?"I asked. It seemed like a pretty good question to find someone's personality. Whatever his interests were, I could easily use. But then he said,"No."Let's just say I was confused by this answer. You can't just not do anything. He saw my confused look and hung his head.

     I didn't want to ask him anymore questions like that. Not only could I not think of any that didn't have to do with intrists, but he seemed kind of embarrassed by it. It made me feel a bit bad. I had an idea that I thought was fool proof."Want to watch a movie?"I asked. His eyes lit up a bit. Kinda sad that I had never seen him so happy. Well I had only know him for like, a day."What movie do you wanna watch?"I asked as I turned on Netflix. He just shrugged his shoulders awkwardly. I scrolled through a bit so he could see everything."Have you seen any recently that you liked?"I asked. He shook his head. He really wasn't giving me anything."Have you seen any ever that you liked?"I asked, pressing further."I don't really want to watch a movie anymore,"he said awkwardly. I had questions, but I kept quiet. I knew I was forcing a bit to far.

     I quickly got a great idea. I knew 100% this would work."One time, my little sister asked me to paint her nails. That didn't turn out good. Paint everywhere! She never asked me to paint them again."I joked. I wasn't really expecting him to laugh, but he did. As wierd as it feels to think this, it was pretty adorable. It was small. Like a child's. Like him. I knew then, I needed to figure this guy's real personality out.

     I offered to take him home. He refused. Maybe he just wasn't used to flying. I now knew he had a sense of humor. Even if it was deep within, he still had his personality. I keep mine to myself, so maybe he does the same. Or maybe he doesn't even know it himself.

     HEY GUYS!!!  I hope you love this chapter as much as I do. I want to clear some stuff up. They aren't completely angels. They are different because their abilities. I use angels because their Angel wings. This obviously doesn't take place in heaven either. You've seen Peppers life. It's closer to hell. As always thanks for reading!!BBYYEEE!!

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