Chapter 23 - Hug Me I'm Scared

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"Robin Pepper, could you come down here guys!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. It was our last day before we had to go back to school. We figured this had something to do with that, so we went downstairs to the living room. We found my mom an dad sitting on the couch.

"Come on over and sit," my dad said with a smile. "What's all this about?" I asked, getting more nervous with every apologetic smile from my mom. I awkwardly sat down and pulled Pepper so close he was halfway sitting in my lap.

"Let's get right to the point guys," dad started. "We don't think you two should sleep together." I fealt my heart fall a bit.

"We- we don't do a-any of that kind of- of stuff sir" Pepper began to studder next to me. He was blushing madly.

"It's not that we don't trust you...," my mom tried jumping in. "No it is we don't trust you," dad finished and mom gave me a sorry smile and began nodding her head.

"Our guest room is right next to Robin's," my mom told Pepper. He slowly shook his head.

"On a different note, y'all get to go back to school tomarrow!" My mom said enthusiastically, trying to change the subject. Pepper smiled. We had been catching up all day. Neither of us gave a flip(pepper doesn't like cursing it gives him flashbacks) about the kids finding out we're gay. Ain't like we have friends there anyways.

Far to soon, bed time roled around. I brought Pepper to his room, laying him in bed. I put a nightlight in and handed him Muffin, who curled happily at his side. Before I left, he hugged me like he was never going to see me again. After that it was off to bed.

I was woken up abruptly in the middle of the night, unaware of what woke me. I glanced over at the clock that read 1:23. Then I heard the noise that had woke me, me being a very light sleeper. I heard clunks of a headboard hitting against the wall that connects mine and Pepper's bedrooms. He must have been tossing and thrashing violently to make the sound.

Of course I quickly jumped up and quietly ran to Pepper's room. He was indeed thrashing around, still in a deep nightmare. He began loudly sobbing and I found myself hugging him tightly and waking him up. He continued the sobbing and I just quietly shushed him while stroking his head with one of my hands.

"He's going to find me," he kept repeating, while he cried into my shoulder. "I won't let anyone hurt you, sugar," I whispered into his ear. After a few minutes, the tears stopped and he was able to calm down. I still continued to hold him as he fell asleep. Forget it, I thought as I carried him back to my room with me. My parents would understand.

I woke up a second time, but only to my alarm clock saying it was time for school. Pepper slowly woke up too, continuing to stretch and yawn like a kitten. "I'm getting in the shower first," I said. "You can go ahead downstairs if you want, Mom should be down there cooking breakfast." He nodded and left.

The morning went quickly. After frantically stuffing food in our mouths to prevent being late, we ran out the door. It didn't take me long to remember that Pepper didn't have a coat. His small figure was shaking next to me. I took my coat off and sat it one his shoulders. He turned red. "Thank you," he said with a small smile. "We're gonna go get you a coat this evening," I told him, returning the smile.

We proudly walked into school, hand in hand. He quietly gave me my coat back, which I put in my locker. I was of course walking, and everyone in the air, was giving odd looks. I just kept a blank face like I normally do in school. Unless Pepper looks at me. My face instantly softens when I'm looking at him. First period, which we had together, went just fine, but soon we had to go separate ways.


I was walking down the hall with a bright smile on my face and my books clutched close to me. I never smiled at school, but Robin is always able to make me smile. Suddenly, I was being surrounded by pyrokentics. They began circling me like vultures. The smile was wiped off my face.

"So you are a faggot!" One said loudly. They began getting closer, and closing in on me. I began breathing very deeply, unable to get enough oxygen. I slowly went down till I was on the floor hugging my knees. I could barely hear their laughter.

"Where have you been!" One screamed. Then I heard a different muffled voice. A familiar one. "GET AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT NOW, OR I WILL MAKE YOU!" Robin yelled. I was to dizzy to see what happened, but next thing I knew they were gone and I was in a firm, welcoming hug.

"Breath," he whispered in my ear calmingly. His voice alone was enough to bring me out of my panic attack. He picked me up off ground as he stood and sat me on my feet. He gave me a sweet kiss and turned to go to our respective classes... late but we had to go none the less. Before he walked off he told me, "Those guys won't mess with you any more, sugar." We then walked off and had a great rest of the day.

HI GUYS, ITS KASSI. I'm so sorry this took so long. Its exam week at school and I really just didn't know what to write now. I hate all these filler chapters but I'm uncomfortable skipping more then a week at a time. I can't just skip it to his birthday like I wish I could. I hate books that do that. Next chapter will be productive, I promise. AS ALWAYS THANKS FOR READING! STAY SAFE WATCH THE MAGPIES! BBYYYEEE!

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