Chapter 7 - Worth It

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                 PEPPER'S POV
     I woke up on the basement's carpet, face indented with the carpet's form. The cuts only bled enough to knock me out. After I passed out, they closed enough to stop bleeding, each being so small. I hauled myself up and looked up at the small window in the top corner of the room. It was light outside. Being winter, it could have just been 7:00,(that's just how my time zone works might not be the same for you) or it could have been like, 10:00. I had no way of knowing. I tried the door out, but of course it was still locked. He normally unlocked it in the morning. It must have been a bit earlier. I continued waiting for him to unlock it, but he never did.
               ROBIN'S POV
     I was fairly excited to see Pepper at school. Last night I had decided to figure him out. Not just because I'm curious, (though I really am) but because I knew if I did, I could help him get his wings. He seemed desperate.

     I looked for him all day. I was looking forward to eating lunch and talking with him, but he was nowhere to be found. I wasn't really worried. I thought at the worst he could just be sick. Then he wasn't there the next day either.'Must be the flu, it's going around,'I thought to myself.

     He finnaly came back the day after that. I was on my way to first period, when I saw him in the hallway. He had his head hung low, hair covering his face. I noticed that stupid pyrokinetic, Jackson I think, flying above Pepper. I, who was in step at a distance behind Pepper, spread my wings and.... tackled Jackson out of the sky. I didn't mean to get so violent, but I couldn't let him hurt Pepper. I couldn't let him hurt anyone for that matter. Jackson weakly flew off, looking mortified. Pepper glanced up quickly, then back down. I couldn't see his face through his curly mop of chocolate brown hair. He ran off quickly, but I kept in easy step with him simply by walking. I smiled a bit, noting his frustrations at being short.

     All was going fine in first period, until Mrs. Kline asked Pepper to hold his head up. She thought he was trying to sleep. He nodded and raised his head, but kept his hair down. You could only just see his mouth."Get your hair out of your face as well,"she snapped, obviously annoyed. He slowly flopped his hair out of his face. A faint scar was visible under his left eye. I tried to push it out of my mind for the moment. I'd simply ask him about it at lunch.

     When lunch rolled around, I sat next to him. Some how he managed to get there before me. Then I saw how. I had gotten my lunch out of my locker, and he didn't have one at all."Where's your lunch?"I asked curiously."Not hungry."I stared at him. How could he not be hungry. I then shrugged it off. He is pretty little. I'm sure a big breakfast could fill him up for a while.

    "How'd you get that scar?"I asked, pointing to his cheek."Dropped a glass,"he replied quietly."But how did it get your cheek?"I joked, believing it takes some pretty bad clumsiness to manage that. He simply shrugged."Wanna come over again tonight?"I asked, very hopefully.
               PEPPER'S POV
     I didn't hesitate for a second."Sure,"I said quickly, but tried not to sound to desperate."My dad has bingo night tonight, so I'd love to not have to just stay at home alone," I lied. He goes to the bar on Fridays. But I didn't want to be home alone none the less. I still would have said yes even if dad was home. It was worth it."Same thing as last time, meet me at the doors. You can prepare yourself a bit better now,"he chuckled.

     While I waited at the door, I began to think about last night. That night I thought about how I was dragging Robin down. He was a freaken Gyrokinetic for crying out loud! He could've got any girl or friend he wanted. Why on Earth did he choose me. Maybe because I forced him to help me. I like to think he said yes cause he's nice. I doubt it. It's probably just a joke, but oh well. I can only pray it isn't, and bask in the glory of having a friend. Even if I literally met him Monday and he probably wouldn't call me that.

     Next thing I knew I was being rammed out of my thoughts and into the sky. Once again I was far from being prepared. He turned me around again, to see the sky. It was just as amazing as the first time. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face.

     Hi guys! SO SO SO sorry for the filler Chapter. I thought it would be cool to post at 12:00 (where I live) cause its new years. I wasn't going to post at all at first, but I really just needed this filler. The next will be great I swear. As always thanks for reading!!! BBYYYEEE!!!

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