Chapter 11 - MOVIE NIGHT!

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We were all about done eating and Pepper obviously couldn't eat all the food on his plate. To my surprise my mom didn't even try to make him eat it. I guess even she knew she put quite a lot of food on his plate. Mom took up the plates and went to do the dishes while we walked (well I walked blue ran and dragged Pepper) to the living room. We sat the same as we did at the table with Pepper in the middle.

Blue grabbed the remote and turned on Netflix before I could get the remote."I PICK FIRST," she yelled happily while clicking on "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"the one with Johnny Dept. Pepper had a bright smile on his face.

While it was playing the opening credits Mom came in. "Don't stay up too long. If your father comes home and you're still awake he'll tell me," she said plainly, said her good night's, and went to bed.

I got up and grabbed some blankets and pillows, and when I came back I saw Pepper intrancingly staring into the tv with Blue sitting next to him simply watching contently. Come on who wouldn't find that absolutely adorable. As much as I hated to I had to pause the movie so we could all get on pajamas to be as comfortable as possible. His eyes snapped over to me holding a ton of pillows and blankets, a bit stunned and a bit confused. "We should get in pajamas first guys," he looked at the tv longingly then back at me and nodded in understanding.

"I think Blue's clothes would fit you better if that's ok," I told him as we all walked up the stairs. It was very true and though Blue was a bit tall for her age, I could tell Pepper was probably small enough to fit in her clothes perfectly. He nodded quietly again no sign of protest. Blue squeeled and dragged Pepper into her room to pick out pajamas. I just went into my room and threw on a t-shirt and sweatpants and headed down stairs where I had dumped all the pillows and blankets. I spread it all out around the couch. I wanted it to be a cozy as possible.

They came down a few minutes later, Pepper wearing a green pajama set with dark green and light green stripes on the bottoms. They matched his bright green eyes perfectly. Blue was wearing her favorite flowy blue shirt with a small bow at the collar with matching frilly shorts. Pepper was playing with his fingers as he sat down in the middle again. I turned of thhe lights and we all cuddled up to the blankets and pillows and I hit play on the movie.

Pepper's eyes stayed lit up the entire movie. He seemed to be glowing as most of his head besides his eyes and curly hair were burried in the blankets. I could still tell he was smiling. He was full of adorable wonder. In no time the movie was over and I realised I was watching Pepper more than the movie.

I offered the remote to Pepper but he declined and said I could choose. I of course chose "The Hunger Games." There was a twinkle in his eye when he saw Katnis and Peta look as if they were on fire.

Halfway through the movie he began rubbing at his eyes and yawning like a kitten. He tried his best to stay awake, but soon enough I looked down and he had passed out on my lap. With his hands, that had been clenching the blanket, slipping from sleep, the blanket fell. It was winter making it a bit chilly.(Azura would wear those pajamas even if we lived in Alaska) Not wanting to wake him up by bending over to pick it up, and seeing Azzy fell asleep, I put my hand above the blanket and it floated up to my hand. I thoughtfully tucked it around Pepper and he cuddled into it.

As I began to dose off I felt Pepper nuzzle more into my stomach and lap. His arms wrapped around me and next thing I knew I was asleep.


I woke up to nice comfy warmth. I sat up a bit and rubbed my eyes with memories from the night flooding into my foggy morning brain. I quickly realised I was on top of Robin and carefully unwrapped myself from him and scrambled away without waking him up.

I have a tendency to find and cuddle warmth. I think I developed that instinct after not having warm blankets on my bed. I find myself cuddling the stuffed animals I have managed to save up for and some I've just always had. It's just sometimes I see a big stuffed animal (well big to me) and I do everything possible to save up for it. I have one particularly big one that I always cuddle. That's what Robin reminds me of.

I heard clanking in the kitchen and smelled something really good. I found myself moving toward it quietly. Mrs. Rightout was humming and cooking something that looked absolutely delicious. Of course I had never seen it before. I turned around to the connected dining room and saw a man holding up a newspaper with a mug of coffee sitting on the table in front of him.

Mrs. Rightout turned around and jumped when she saw me. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," I said softly. "Oh, no mind dear. I'm making pancakes. Why don't you go in there and wake the others up," she said brightly.

Blue was already sitting up when I came back into the living room. She turned to me with wide eyes and and a smile."DO I SMELL PANCAKES!" she yelled excitedly. Robin shot up at this. "I heard pancakes," he said in a stunned voice. I couldn't help but giggle at that. He looked at me and smiled a bit."Well I was told to wake you guys up, but I guess that isn't needed," I giggled again.

They ran into the kitchen, Blue dragging me again. We all sat at the already set table while Mrs. Rightout gives everyone 2 giant pancakes. The man from earlier finally put down his newspaper. He looked over at me for a second then back over to Robin with a goofy smile."Are you going to finally introduce me to this friend you've been so chatty about?" he asked cheerfully. "Oh yeah dad this is Pepper. Pepper this is my dad," he said while making handmotions to each of us. "Hi Mr. Rightout. It's nice to meet you," I waved and spoke quietly. "Oh just call me Tom," he said happily. "You can call me Mary too," Mrs. Rightout piped up.

After we all finished the heavenly food called 'pancakes' I changed and headed home. I walked right in and past my dad asleep in his chair and to the shower. While the water cascaded over my battered body I smiled longingly to myself. 'So that's what a family is like.'

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