Chapter 21 - Christmas Eve

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I woke up once again with a small boy in my arms, taking a moment just to admire how peaceful he was. I believe Pepper still thinks he has to go to school today, because I forgot to tell him Christmas was Tuesday and school was on break. 'He's gonna be so happy when I tell him it's Christmas Eve,' I thought to myself, as he started stirring.

He kinda layed there in my arms for a second, before glancing at the bedside clock that read 10:00 and his eyes shot open wide. He hastily climbed over me and grabbed his hearing aids.

"We're late for school!" He said, while jumping up quickly. He jumped up so fast that he nearly fell back down. I ran over and grabbed him proceeding to lay back down in bed.

"Schools on Christmas break. Sorry I forgot to tell you. It's Christmas Eve. You know what they say, time feels slower then it is, in hospital," I told him with a smile. "And everyone else are at a family get together today. I already told them no, so we're here alone right now."

"What are we gonna do?" He asked, the smile on his face had been growing with every word.

I kissed him on the four head. "Anything you want sugar," I replied. He blushed and continued smiling. "Can we watch a movie?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

"Of course," I said while picking him up bridal style and bringing him to the living room. I turned on Netflix and gave him the remote, after sitting him on the couch and putting a blanket over him.

"I'm gonna go make you some waffles. You can pick us a good movie, yeah?" He shook his head yes very excitedly. "Just one question, What's a waffle?" He looked genuinely interested and I was slightly taken aback by his lack of knowledge of the food.

"Pepper baby, how well did you eat growing up?" I asked with slightly worried eyes. His smile faltered. "My father didn't feed me or get me food. I- I got what I could save enough for, you know as a unemployable child," his lip quivered a bit and he looked down. I quickly ran over to him and gave him a big hug, preventing him from crying.

"It's ok, I understand." I pulled away and held his shoulders, looking him right in his beautiful green eyes. "Waffles are pancakes with six packs." He busted out in a fit of giggles and I was very happy to see him smile again.

"You know every year on my birthday, I'd save up for almost a month to get a cupcake from the bakery," he smiled fondly. "What kind is your favorite?" I asked him with a smile. "I've tried most of them, but red velvet is my favorite." "I'll remember that."

I finnaly made it into the kitchen to make the waffles. Halfway through the process, Pepper came in and latched onto my side. They were done quickly on our waffle iron and I put them in two plates, making sure to pile them high with whipped cream and strawberries. Pepper looked very excited.

"What movie did you pick?" I asked as I carried the plates to the living room and sat them on the coffee table. "It's a surprise. I picked the prettiest looking one I could," he replied while following me into living room.

I could tell what it was as soon as it started it was the live action Beauty and the Beast. Blue loves this movie. The whole time Pep was completely intranced in the movie. I see now that the reason he always does this is probably because he'd most likely never seen a movie before us.

To my surprise he turned to me halfway through the ballroom scene while the iconic Beauty and the Beast song played.

"This song is pretty," he whispered, getting closer to my face. I leaned in as well and our lips met in the middle. This kiss was different then the first. It was longer and more passionate. I cupped his cheek and he tilted his head slightly. When the song stopped we pulled away.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I asked. He gazed into my eyes lovingly. "Of course," he whispered into my ear and hugged me tightly. When he let go, I pulled him into my lap and he turned his attention back to the movie.

After a few more movies like Alice in Wonderland and Finding Nemo, the rest of my family came through the door.

"Oh, Pepper it is just perfect to see you. Of course you will be staying for Christmas," Mom said cheerfully. She didn't pay no mind to the fact he was curled up in my lap and I was hugging him from behind. Blue however went insane.

"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU TWO A COUPLE NOW!" she squeeled excitedly. Pepper blushed and looked at me. "Yes," I replied blankly, but on the inside I was ecstatic to call Pepper mine.

"Oh isn't that the cutest thing Tom," she turned to my dad. He came over to me with a stern look on his face, making Pepper curl farther into me and hide his eyes.

"Son if you hurt this little guy," he points to Pepper. "You are going to be in so much trouble. He's a cute one, keep him. You hear me! You better not break his heart." "Hey aren't you supposed to give this speech to Pepper," I said playfully rolling my eyes. "I sure ain't worried about him," he said not really pretending to be serious anymore and barely holding a laugh.

"Hey can I talk to you two for a second," I asked my mom and dad. "I just need to let them know whats going on, k?" I whispered to Pepper, and he nodded yes in response. I brought them to the kitchen and explained the situation. They were understanding and agreed that Pepper should stay with us.

After all that was cleared up we all gathered in the living room to watch Christmas movies. I pulled Pepper back into my lap and we all watched in comfortable silence the rest of the night, only stopping to eat and get pajamas on. Pepper wore his fuzzy onesy that I grabbed before we left. It was the cutest thing ever. We then went to bed, with me holding Pepper, as always.

Tale old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast

HI GUYS, IT'S KASSI! I liked this chapter but I didn't get them to do what I wanted them to, which was talk, but I think they'll do that Christmas night. This was actually fairly long and I like that but I try not to go to far over 1000 words and including this notes it's 1170. AS ALWAYS THANKS FOR READING! STAY SAFE WATCH THE MAGPIES! BBYYYEEE!!! HAPPY EASTER

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