Chapter 20 - 911

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"911. What's your emergency."

"I'm reporting child abuse in action. Please listen carefully. The victim is Pepper Johnson. He's 16, wingless, and has a hearing problem that requires him to wear hearing aids. I followed him home after suspicion of abuse. Through the window I see he is backed in a corner by his father. His hearing aids are turned to 100 so sirens would be excruciatingly painful, as well as alert Mr. Johnson you are here. He is a telekinetic and can make this look like a set up quickly if he sees you coming. So turn off siren and light vests and send telekinetic first responders to freeze him in the act. Im a gyrokenetic and could easily stop it, but I never want my Pepper to have to live with this monster again and the police have to get him for that to happen. Now get to 1352 Maryweather drive now!"


After the call I continued squatting in the bushes, forcing myself to look away as Pepper got blow after blow. It's hard just sitting here, but I know the police have to see it happening. Pepper's dad is smart he can weasel his way out if I do.

After Pepper left I began putting everything he has said and done together. The way he flinches around his father, how he said Sundays are painful, his almost constant limp, and the scar under his eye. It just made sense.

The telekinetic first responders quietly appeared in the sky. I went up to great them. "Please save Pepper. I don't know how long this has been going on, but I know he will never have a finger laid on him again if I can help it," I said calmly, though with clenched fists.

I watched through the door as they froze Mr. Johnson right mid-swing. It took two of the three officers to hold him. The woman got Pepper who was crying histarically, and led him out of the house to me.

When he caught site of me, he ran over, tears flowing down his face. As he approached I quickly wrapped my arms and wings around him and he did the same with his arms. I held him tightly and protectively, while he burried his face in my chest. I kissed the top of his head and pulled him away to see his eyes.

"Th-thank you," he whispered. Thank you s-so m- much." I turned his hearing aids to 75% and brought his head back into my chest.

"Excuse me," she woman spoke up from behind me. I hoisted Pepper onto my side and he wrapped his arms around my neck to hold on. I then turned around to greet the voice. Her face was very calm and kind.

"We have Craig Johnson in custody," she said pointing behind her at Mr. Johnson being dragged out of the house with power-shielding handcuffs. "Just take the boy somewhere safe and we'll be sure to keep him that way. You can run back inside and get some clothes too." Her smile was warm and sweet.

I brought him inside and gathered some of his clothes, making notice of the giant teddy bear that was most likely the one I remind him of. Then I held onto Pepper tightly. "Are you ready," I asked quietly, looking down at the broken boy in my arms. He nodded and held on even tighter if that was possible. I took off to the house.

When I made it back, I instantly went to my room and laid Pepper on my bed carefully. "Are you tired?" I whispered. It was quite obvious he was, barely able to hold his eyes open and continuously rubbing at his tear stained face. He nodded, so I asked, "Can you get on pajamas." He shook his head no lazily.

"I can help you," I said, getting closer and giving him a warm smile. He kept nodding off, not able to stay awake, so I decided to get him into something more comfortable anyways.

I carefully took of his jeans, only scowling a moment when catching sight of bruises and scars on his legs. I took off his sweater too and found even worse bruises with new ones forming. You could almost see his ribs, but my guess was that sense we and the hospital fed him, he got a bit healthier. I slipped one of my large t-shirts over his head and tucked him under the blankets.

After I put some sweatpants on, I turned on the lamp (because I remember his fear of the dark) and proceeded to turn off the light and leave the room. However, before I could close the door behind me he spoke up quietly.

"Can you stay with me," he whispered. The lamp light shone on his face as he sat up slightly.

"Of course." I went over to the bed and sat down, swinging my legs up and sitting up next to him. He scooted closer to me, and looked up, giving me the most lovable eyes imaginable.

We both continued inching closer and closer. His delicate lips touched mine, but quickly left. He turned bright red and looked down, but smiled. I wrapped my arms around him in that protective way again.

"I love you Pepper, and no one will ever hurt you again," I whispered in his ear. "I love you too," he replied and burried his face into my chest. I took his hearing aids out and layed them on the night stand. Soon, his gripp on my shirt loosened slightly, telling me he was fast asleep. I just held on to him tightly as if, if I let go he'd float away.

HI GUYS, ITS KASSI! YYYAAAAYYYYY! IT HAPPENED! I finnaly advanced the story and I advanced it far. I hope you liked the chapter, because I sure did. AS ALWAYS THANKS FOR READING! STAY SAFE WATCH THE MAGPIES! BBYYYEEE!!!

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