Chapter 6 - Consequences

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                PEPPER'S POV
     I grew more and more anxious as I advanced to my house. I had never been home late before. As you probably know, I've never had any friends. Why would anyone want to be friends with me? Better question, why would a hot gyrokinetic want to be friends with me!? He probably wouldn't even call me his friend. He had so much potential. I realized I was just dragging him down.

     I continued walking home, heart pounding with anxiety. I didn't know if I should walk slow or fast. I weighed each choice carefully in my head. If I walk slow, he might drink himself to sleep, but he could just get more alcohol in his system. Plus, he might get madder the later I am. If I walk fast, I could miss my chance to catch him sleeping. I couldn't decide. Instead, I chose to simply keep a steady pace home. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of my house.

     I slowly peeked in the door. Before I could do anything, the door was wide open, and my dad had his hands clenched in a fist on my uniform's collar. He closed the door behind me and shoved me against the wall. He let go after a second, but I was still being shoved against the wall. He used his telekinesis to his advantage, as I couldn't move an inch. How in the world could this guy have the ability of a smart person. That's right telekinetics are the smart personality. Then again I suppose it takes brains to keep this a secret. Or maybe it just take one guy with no brains what so ever. That person being me.

     Not having to use a hand to hold me, allowed him to continue drinking a beer. He punched me with his free hand a bit, but quickly got bored. He stopped abruptly."Don't think I didn't notice that you're late,"he spat!"Where were you!"he yelled in my face. Even though I doubt he would call me this, I didn't know what else to say."A friend's house,"I said quietly."Liar!"he screamed."You don't have any friends!"That was true. I really didn't, but he was as close to a friend as I'd ever had. Surprisingly enough he let the question go, but he didn't let up on the punishment.

     He must have been really mad about me being late. I knew when he started flying me to the den, that I was really in for it. He was gonna inflict the worste punishment I know of on me. He picked some bottles up on the way to the den. You see, the den has the biggest empty wall. He slammed me against it, and soon enough began to spin me. He does this when he's bored all the time, but when he's mad, he doesn't hold back in the slightest.

     The cold glass stung as it busted around me. He was pretty intoxicated, so he was missing a lot. Still, even the shards bouncing off the wall hurt. I didn't puke from the spinning anymore. Like a ballerina, I had enough practice to not get dizzy. I still got a bit dizzy after a while, but not near as bad as the first time. He realized he had forgot something after a single shard cut my cheek. He put a mask on me and continued. He knew there would be questions if my face got cut. He always put the mask on me. To be honest I thought it was an unnecessary precaution. Nobody would ask or have any concern for me anyways.

     After a good hour of spinning torture, he let me go..... while I was upside down. I nearly broke my neck, because my head was tilted forward a bit while I fell. It didn't break though. He grabbed me, opened the basement door, and threw me down. Once again, I nearly broke my neck falling down the stairs. How my neck hadn't broke once in my life, I don't even know. The stairs were carpeted, so it only left me with a few carpet burns. I didn't bother trying the door out. I knew it was locked. I hated the basement. There was no light, food, or a bed down there. My room is upstairs, but I ended up sleeping down there just as much. That is what gave me such an overwhelming fear of the dark, all the dark nights locked in the basement. You'd think it would help me overcome it, but no, it didn't at all.

     Sometimes he gave me a flash light. Obviously, this time he was to mad to do that. I just sat on the cold floor, staring into the darkness. Oddly enough, my mind went to movies. I wish I didn't duck out of watching a movie at Robin's house. Getting to go over there was worth the punishment as it was, but getting to watch a movie would have been so much more. I didn't remember ever watching a movie. In fact, I didn't remember anything before my mom died. I don't even remember that night. I bet we watched movies every night. That's the last thing I remember thinking, before I passed out from blood loss. I never even took the mask off.

     Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in a bit, but I realized if I force myself to write, it doesn't turn out as good. For now on I will post when I can. Plus this one was hard to write. I couldn't decide how to follow up the last one. Its easier with at least a bit of a cliff hanger like this one. The next should be easy to write, so see you soon. Also sorry for the odd upload time. I doubt you'll see this till tomorrow. As always thanks for reading!!! BBYYYEEE!!!p.s. wasn't I so sneaky with my words in paragraph 1 ;)

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