Chapter 10 - Music?

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Robin sat with his legs criss-crossed on the carpet. He motioned me over, and I too took a seat with my legs crissed directly in front of him. He took his phone out and began to talk.

"I don't know what kind of music you like, but my spotify has basically all genres. I'm not picky," he began plainly. I on the other hand was utterly confused. I cocked my head to the side."Music,"I mumbled to myself. He of course did not notice as his nose was now in his phone sinking it to the speakers. I had read a bit about music of course, though not once could I remember listening to it.

"I'll start with R.I.P 2 My Youth by The Neighborhood, but after that it will go to shuffle. Ok?" He finnaly looked up at me."K" I whispered shakily.

"Now listen carefully to what I say right now, because once this music starts blasting, you won't be able to hear me." His voice went deep and serious. It would have startled me if his face wasn't so light."I want you to let your body slow. Let your soal listen." His voice was soft and calm. "Hear how your heart beats in time with the music, and feel all weight leave your body. Then you can read read yourself like a book that was written in a language you previously couldn't read."

I was stunned. It sounded to good to be true. Obviously I, like everyone else, knew that if you could find yourself you'd find your wings. Being able to get them as easy as reading a book sounded perfect. I'm pretty good at reading.

I took a deep breath and he hit play. It started with a deep beat that vibrated through my whole body. He closed his eyes so I did the same. I had no idea sounds could flow together so beautifully. It was as if I could see color for the first time.

"R.I.P to my youth, and you can call this the funeral. I'm just telling the truth, and you can play this at my funeral."

I began really listening to the vibrating voice and the words it spoke. I never really got a 'youth.' Though my dad has told me multiple times I act like a five year old. I've been tossed away as long as I can remember. That's when I read the first paragraph of my soal just as Robin said. It was just five sentences of sobbing. I was then left I'm my thoughts while the music seemed to desert me.

Before I could collect myself a new song came on. It had a completely different tone and sound to it. A longing happiness.

"She asked me son when I grow old, will you buy me a house of gold, and when your father turns to stone will you take care of me."

What I was reading was much sadder then the first paragraph. I saw all the times I layed on the basement floor crying, wishing my dad would turn to stone, and I had my mommy back.

I felt something small and wet drop on my pants. It snapped me out of my floaty trance, and I was able to pry my eyes open. It was quickly apparent it was a tear that dropped on my pants, and it wasn't the last. I continued to sob until through my blurry vision I realized I, like everything else in the room, was not on the ground.

The music forgotten buzz in the background, my eyes widened and I looked over to Robin. He was currently floating with his wings draped around him rather then folded titly to his back like normal. His eyes were still closed tightly.

Suddenly, the door swung open and Robin's mom came in. Robin's eyes popped open and everything in the room fell to the ground with a thud. When I fell, I landed on my back causing the biggest bang of all. Mrs. Rightout ran to me and frantically tried to help me up and inspect me for injuries. It did hurt pretty bad, but I've had worste so I was fine.

Robin scrambled to turn off the music, and once he was successful he turned to me and quickly tried to apologize. I was more worried about them noticing I had been crying, and was scrubbing at my eyes.

After making sure I was ok Mrs. Rightout announced that dinner was ready and we followed her downstairs. I awkwardly sat next to Robin at the table and Blue came down and sat next to me a couple moments later. Mrs. Rightout handed everyone a plate full of food and I Instantly noticed how much pasta was on my plate. It had nearly twice as much as the others.

"Did you mean to give this one to Robin? I don't think I can eat this much." I almost said just above a whisper. "Oh no dear." She chuckled lightly. "You are terribly small. You need to eat to grow big and strong." She smiled brightly.

I turned a light pink, but still proceeded to pick up my fork and eat like the others. One taste and it felt like heaven. I then continued to eat the amazing specimen before me, somehow managing to mind my manors. I know from books it's akward if you eat to fast. Of course it was the first time I'd got to use my rehearsed etiquette. It was very difficult. I never got to eat like that. I just wanted forget it all.

I was snapped out of my pasta induced trance when Mrs. Rightout asked,"Would you like to stay the night?" I looked to Robin who, with his limited expressions, seemed to perk up at the idea. "Oh that would be so fun! We can watch movies and stay up past our bedtime!" Blue screamed as she jumped up with excitement. "Um, sure," I said sheepily. Dad would be asleep till noon tommarow anyways and oh how I wanted to watch a movie.

Hi guys. Ok ok I know I was gone forever. The truth is I redid this three times. I have also been studying body language and personality building. Fun fact Pepper's personality is and has always been modeled after a five year old. It will really show next chapter cause I have some tricks I've been dying to use up my sleeve. I also added the first song at the top cause I doubt anyone's heard it. AS ALWAYS THANKS FOR READING!! BBYYYEEE!!

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