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Requested by KeithJohnson03.

Info: When Grayson is drafted into the army, he randomly goes MIA. When the reader gets a letter saying they do not know where he is she burst out crying for her 'lost' husband.

Oh my Irene, I got this request a long time ago, when it was time for my surgery. Sorry for it being so late I've has writer's block for this book lately. 

Reader's P.O.V.

I stared at the ring my husband presented to me on my wedding day. A few weeks after the day we were pronounced he was drafted into the military, he had to leave the day after that and I wouldn't stop crying. I did not want him to leave, but I knew it was for the good of our country.

Nobody would notice Nightwing was missing because Jason was taking over his spot, with no guns. He agreed to not be as violent was Red Hood, and besides, he needed a change. Not like anyone would miss Red Hood for a while.

Richard would also be sorrow for leaving. He would miss his wife, his brothers, his adoptive father, and his surrogate Grandfather.

That, and he was sorrowful for the fact...he might not ever come back... But he told me not to think about all of the downsides. Think about how when he gets home we could start our own family when he gets home. 

If he does get home...

Jason, Tim, Bruce, Alfred and even Damian come visit me to make sure I am fine, and I am. But I like having them here. It is relaxing. Sometimes they show up out of the blue, and sometimes beforehand, they call.

Relaxing it is, but when they all come over at the same time it is very hectic, but let's not go into detail about that.

Like I said before getting off topic, Dick was drafted.

But that wasn't the worse part. I was cleaning my flat that Dick and I lived in together when there was a knock at my door. I, thinking it was just one of the boys, opened the door. When I saw it was the army Lieutenant that came to give Dick his letter when he was drafted. 

I quickly allowed him in, knowing this must be urgent for him to come, he thanked me walking over to one of the living room couches, telling me to sit down also.

"Mrs. Grayson, I have news about your husband, Mr. Grayson." 

"Sir, what is the news?" I asked, hoping for it yo not be bad news, but luck was not on my side.

"Your husband, he has gone MIA... I am sorry to inform you but it is true, he is off the radar." I looked at him with tear-filled eyes.

'How could this happen?' I wondered, 'where could he be.' 

"My men and women are searching for all of the people your husband was with, but we still have no word about their whereabouts. I am sorry Mrs. Grayson."

He stood up, holding out a hand for me to grab. I stood up before grabbing his hand and shaking it. "Thank you, Lieutenant, I hope you will be able to find my husband as possible."

He nodded, making his way towards the door, "I will notify you immediately when we do find him, ma'am."

With that, he closed the door.

'Oh god, Richard, please be safe. Please be safe...' I thought while crying.

~Time Skip~

I stared at the door as tears ran down my face, letting out a sob I moved my hands trying to get rid of all the tears, but the just kept coming down. There was suddenly a soft knock on the door as it opened slowly.

I looked up slightly seeing Damian, Tim, and Jason walked through the door and looked down at me. Tim gasped, he hated seeing me in this state. Jason walked towards me, pulling me into a large hug, making me warm. Damian and Tim even joined the hug, whispering things into my ears, hoping to make me feel better.

Tim stood up along with his brothers and reached his hand out, signally me to grab it. I did and he stood me up, taking me to my bedroom and set me on the bed. He walked over to my nightstand which held the remote for my T.V.

He turned the T.V. on, switching it to Netflix, (You have a smart T.V. alright?) and turning on my favorite show, hoping to get my mind off of him, yet he knew it would not work. But that did not stop Tim from trying. Jason looked at me with pity, I could tell.

I knew he was just as sad for Dick as I was, but I also knew I was the most worried about him. They knew he was Nightwing, along with me, so they knew he could take care of himself. But that did not stop them from worrying a tiny bit.

"Why did this happen to him?" I asked breaking the silence, I looked up at them wondering why did this happen. Damian looked at me with tear-filled eyes.

"I-i don't know why this happened Y/n. I just hope he is safe." He said I pulled Damian into my lap, hugging him at the same time. I rubbed his head as Tim and Jason got on both of my sides, hugging me at the same time. 

"Don't worry Y/n, I bet Wing is fine."

"I hope also..."

~Time Skip~

It was almost midnight, but I could not sleep. The boys already left, having to go on patrol. I stepped out of bed, heading towards the kitchen to get a glass of milk/water. I headed towards the fridge and decided to get some cookies also. 

Turning to the cookie jar I grabbed a few (Favorite Cookies). Grabbing the glass of water/milk I headed to the living room to watch T.V.

Hoping to get my mind off everything happening I turned of the ID channel. I saw an episode of Deadly Women on so I chose that to watch. 

After watching a few episodes I heard a knock at my door, getting sorta paranoid I headed towards the door, after grabbing one of the weapons Dick installed on our walls. (It was an escrima stick by the way.:))

I looked into the peephole seeing nothing but black and a bit of light. I opened the door slightly, not expecting to see what I saw.

Dick was standing there in his army uniform, he was shivering and looked as if he was crying.

"Honey...?" I questioned, dropping the escrima stick, staring at him in shock. He looked up and stared at me, running at me and wrapping me in a hug. 

"Y/n, oh my god...I am back, I am really back."  (He was gone for like two months, I know that isn't long compared to others but I don't know a lot about the army, sorry.)

"Sooo, how about starting that family?" I asked staring up at him with tears running down my face.

Sorry for it being so late, but at least I got it done, right? I guess...

By the way, I need request!

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