Jason 29

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Oh boy, it has been forever, hasn't it? Anyways, I hope you will all enjoy this, at least I will. This will be my (hopeful) comeback! Check out my Hamilton Oneshots also, if you like Hamilton of course.

29: Must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.

Requested by  @JazmyneWatsonHolmes, sorry this took so long, but I've been going through shit, plus school and other stuff.

3rd Person POV

Jason always thought he had masterful pickup lines, but that changed after she rejected every single one of them. She was like a rose, she had the beauty of one, and the prickly thorns of one when you touched her.

Anyone who got near her or even laid a hand on her would get punched, kicked, slap, even thrown across a room. She liked her personal space, especially away from Jason and his cheesy ass pickup lines.

Thankfully for her and unthankfully for Jason, she knew a way to reject every single one of them.

"Hey Y/n, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Jason asked her, even though he was bound to get rejected.

Y/n looked over at him with a poker facade on, "No, but I did scrape my knee crawling from Hell." Even one who was in the Batcave at that time could see the shock that was written on his face. He quickly wiped the shock off his face and turned it into a smug smile.

"So that's why you're so hot!"  He exclaimed. Y/n huffed with an annoyed look on her face, she was tired of this, him having to use pickup lines on her when he could obviously make the first move on her.

It was cliché, everyone in Batfamily knew that Y/n had a crush on him, except Jason himself. She sighed once more before saying, "Yeah, unlike you," needless to say, Jason was speechless. This boy is so clueless. 

A smirk painted across Y/n's face as she fully turned her face and body towards him, "Must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line"

Oooing was heard through the cave as the girls, Tim, and Dick all laughed at him, even Alfred let out a small chuckle from where he was standing. Damian looked as though he was scowling, but with closers examination, it was shown he was trying to hide a small smirk.

Jason's face turned a bright red and he growled softly, "Damn you Y/n, damn you."

You smiled slightly and him and walked to the entrance of the cave, slightly swaying your hips, when you reached the exit you called Jason's name without even looking at him.

"I'm free on Monday at six pm if you wanna take me to the diner up the road." Without waiting for a response you started walking up the stairs.

Jason stared at your retreating figure as he slightly laughed to himself, "as I said before, damn that girl, damn her".

I hope you enjoyed! It has been so long since I last updated and I hope I can get back into writing this stuff!

I hope you all have a good life, I will see you in my next one-shot! <3

Word Count; 537

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