Richard 97

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OMG, THIS ONESHOT IS GONNA BE ADORABLE!!!! This was requested by JazmyneWatsonHolmes, I hope you enjoy! This is going to be a brother-sister bonding moment, hope you don't mind.

97) "You're so cute when you pout like that!"

Third Person

"BARTHOLOMEW HENRY ALLEN THE SECOND! JAMIE REYES! HOW DARE YOU!" Those words shook through the Mount Justice as you came storming in.

Let's backtrack to why you are yelling their names, yes? Well, yesterday when you were in the cave, Blue Beetle had dared Impulse to get Robin to make a cat potion. Robin didn't question in and got on it right away, soon giving it to Impulse. 

Impulse then took the potion, poured half of it into your water and watched you chug the bottle. AND HE ONLY LAUGHED! So this morning you woke up to a nice surprise of cat ears and a tail.

When you asked Tim about he didn't hesitate to put all the blame on them, leading you to the cave.

Hearing their names be yelled by the pissed off teenager, they stiffened, "Oh hermano, mejor corremos.(1)" Jamie said to Bart, him only nodding in response.

But before they managed to run off, you caught both of them by the backs of their hoodies, scarab not even trying to mess with you since he knew you power. "H-hey Y/n whats up?" Bart asked, not turning to face you. 

"Bart," You said in a threatening voice, "Jamie. Turn. Around." Gulping they mustered up all their strength and turn to face you. Trying to stifle their laughter when they finally faced you, they failed miserably and busted out in giggles.

"Y/n, you-you look so ADORABLE!" Bart said falling to his knees when you let go of him.

"Jesús, ¿cómo te ves tan lindo?(2)" Jamie said in his native tongue, blushing a bit.

"Don't even try it, Reyes," You said. 

Just then Nightwing came out (With his love for Wally) clad in his Nightwing suit. "What's going on here?" He stopped running when he saw you. "Y/n...what happened?" Slowly turning around to look at him, you froze when he squealed in fangirl language.

"My God, YOU LOOK SO LOVELY LIKE THAT!" He shrieked, pouting a bit you looked away from him. "You're so cute when you pout like that!" Taking this a chance to run away, both boys scrambled to their feet and ran away.

"Thanks, Dick, you made my prey away." You muttered under your breath.

"How about this, we go get some homemade ice cream Alfred made and claw Jason a bit?" Dick asked, faking puppy dog eyes.

"How could I pass that up?" You asked, laughing lightly.


DONEEEE! This was cute, I'll admit, and make sure to tell me if the Spanish is wrong, I only know English, and a bit of German and Romanian.

(1) "Oh brother, we better run."

(2) "Jesus, how do you look so cute?"

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