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Hello Again, Poofyphoenix here!

I am so happy that y'all have read my book, I personally think that it isn't that good, but you all seem to like it.

I promise I will get an actual chapter out soon, after all have request piled on request that I need to write. However, I have a bit of writers block.

So, I figured that if y'all asked me some questions then I could answer them and maybe, just maybe get some inspiration for my sweet little books.

You can ask me anything you want to, whether it's about anime, sexuality, friends, or just school. I don't mind any questions unless they are about my age, birthday, and face.

Thank you reading this, I hope that you come up with some amazing questions!

I will probably release the questions and answers in 1 to 2 weeks time.

Bye bye my little Phoenix's!

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