Damian 4

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Hey guys, it has been a long time, hasn't it? I don't really have a reason for not updating, it is mostly just that I don't have any inspiration and I have been in different fandoms for a while. 

This one-shot was requested by @-chaotiicangel and @mariaculous , I hope you both enjoy it, you probably don't even remember requesting it, ha.

Information- Number 4 with the reader where she keeps protecting everyone and almost dies in the process, @mariaculous asked if we could make the reader have elemental powers like the avatar, so I said yes. The reader can control water, fire, earth, and air, but she can't overuse it, or it will get exhausted.

Also, I haven't seen Young Justice Season 3, so this probably won't match up with it at all.

Number 4- "You can't keep doing this"

All Damian could think was, 'This wasn't supposed to happen,' he kept blaming himself for what went down, even though it wasn't his fault at all.

I can tell you are confused, why don't we go back to the beginning of the night, and find out what happened ourselves.

It was a simple, yet slightly cold, night and you were at Mount Justice. You were just hanging out with multiple members of the team when an emergency warning the computer machines interrupted the quiet chat going on.

Incoming message from Batman

"Batman? Why would he be calling?" Wonder Girl questioned as she jumped off the counter.

You looked at her confused having no idea what was going on either. "No idea, but let's find out." You stood up quickly and ran to the computer room where the comms calls were directed to.

Batman appeared on screen panting lightly with scratches on his face, you could tell his eyes were worried as his masked stared into the camera in front of him. He sees your face and immediately starts talking while other members of the team piled in.

"Spiris, the others and I need your help, Gotham is currently under attack by multiple threats that we can not handle on our own, we only need your help and that is it. Zeta out here as soon as possible to help us." Batman states. 

A/n- Your hero name is Spiris because it is a meaning of the word life, which I think suits you because of your powers.

You nodded quickly as your face hardened in concentration, "Yes sir," you simply said before taking a deep breath, "I will be there as soon as possible." You ran away from the computer and into the bathroom part of Mount Justice to change after grabbing your suit. You could hear the others arguing to Batman about how they should come to for extra protection against the villains, but of course, Batman denied their attempts.

You ran to the Zeta Tubes to go to Gotham as the familiar voice of the computer ran through your ears, 

"Recognized: Spiris, B-1-8"

You quickly made it to Gotham, and as soon as you stepped out of the phone booth, you created a small cyclone to take you where most of the fighting was happening with the Bats. The coordinates were sent to you from Nightwing to your wristwatch and you followed them until you could see them all fight separate villains, occasionally helping each other out.

You dropped to the ground, quickly running to take on a random villain you have never seen before with your firepower. You could see Red Robin, Batman, Batgirl, Black Bat, and Robin before you. (Tim, Bruce, Stephanie, Cassandra, and of course, Damian)

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