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Yo, I am back my lunar drops. So this amazing oneshot was requested by waterpolo_singer. This will have a twist.

Your Pov

I smile happily as I knock on the manors door. Dick invited me to pratice gymnastics with him. I had heard a lot about my best friend from Bruce about how good he is with this type of stuff. So he is gonna teach me a few things to add to what I already know.

As Alfred opens the door he allows me to come in. I duck when a lamp is throw my way, hitting the door behind me. I hear Alfred sigh as Damian and Tim come into few. Damian is chasing Tim around the manor. Again.

Dick comes into view getting ready to chase them. Though as soon as he sees me he stops. Walking towards me he waves and smiles. I do the same thing coming closer to him.

"Hey, Y/N." "Hey Dick" We greet each other walking up to the gym. As we were walking in he asked me. "Who is your favorite superhero?"

"Oh that's hard. Maybe Robin-no wait Nightwing. Most likely Nightwing." I said swooning over him.

Grayson chuckled, "Why him?" I snapped out of my daze. "Duh. Have you seen his butt. It is perfect, and his acrobatic moves. Spot on. Do I need to go on?"

"N-No your good." He said with a pink blush dusting over his cheeks. As we enter the very unusually large gym we set our bags in the corner. I start to take off my shirt revealing the F/c sports bra I am wearing.

I turn to Dick seeing his face bright red. I smirk, and say "You ready Grayson?" in a taunghting voice. "Only if you are." And with that we were off. As we were flipping, twirling and doing more moves I began to tire out.

As I finally collapsed on my knees, I saw Dick end his moves with a quadruple flip. I sat their mouth agape. "Wow Grayson, you did great." "Thanks, I know I did." he said with a smug smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"Well it's getting late I will see you tomorrow at school." "Okay bye N/n" As I exited the manor I got on my bike I rode here and exited the gates opened by Alfred. As I make it one block down the rode I felt something hit my skin. I look at my open arm to see a dart sticking out.

My vision gets blurry at I fell of my bike onto the sidewalk.

I wake up thinking it's a normal day as I try to move my wrist I feel them bound to something. I panicked and looked at them, I saw tightly secured ropes around them. As I stuggled my hands trying to get them out, but they quickly turned red and let out a little drop of blood.

I gasped as I heard crazy laughter. My head darted to the door that was swung open. Green hair, plae face, sickling laughter. Joker. The news did say he broke out of Arkham again.

"W-What do you want." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.He grinned wickedly, "Oh nothing, I've just noticed a little Wayne hanging out with you."

"What does that have to do with me?" I questioned. "The Waynes are rich, they will definately pay Batman to get you back." I wondered, would I ever get back.

Dicks Pov

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN JOKER HAS HER!!!" I yelled at Bruce. "Joker sent us pictures of her chained up in a warehouse. He wants me and you guys." Bruce responded, with a pained expression.

I looked at my brothers. Jason, Tim, and Damian all came down to help find Y/n. They all think of her as a sister. "Don't worry Night we will find her. I promise." Jason said.

Lets hope that will happen.

Time skip

As we got to the warehouse we found out Joker was holding you at we heard pained screams coming from inside. Rage built up inside of me, along with the rest of us.

We rushed inside, knocking all of Jokers goons out. We followed the sound of blood curdling screams. As we kicked the door down we saw Joker in front of a bloody Y/n. Joker turned around with a grin of his face. "Oh how lucky you are Y/n. The bats finally joined us."he said.

I felt my raging fire grow larger and I threw my self at him. Punching, kicking while he was only laughing. Not even fighting back, but I didn't care. Nobody stopped me, eveybody knew he deserved this.

So when his breathing stopped nobody cared, nobody said anything. The only sounds that filled the room was my panting. I stood up from my kneeling postion, running over to Y/n.

Tears streamer down both of our faces. We all knew she wasn't gonna make it, even she knew herself. But I tried not to think about that.

I lifted her up onto my lap, she winced as I slowly sat her down. "I'm sorry" I said over and over again like a little kid. "it isn't your fault, Nightwing." her voice cracking three times.

"Yes it is Y/n." She was about to ask me something when curiosity wrote over her face. She lifted her hands up to my mask. I flinched but didn't stop her, she smiled when she saw my face. But that quickly turned to a pained expression. "D-Dick, promise me you'll stick with your family, don't fall into depression." I could only nod, no words coming out of my mouth when I opened it.

Instead I lifted her up a bit and put my lips on hers. Her cold lips on mine, felt could but I knew this would be our first and last kiss. I felt her kiss back but that didn't last long as it stopped. I pulled back seeing her blood covered lips in a slight smile.

Her heart..... stopped.

I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner. I-i love you Y/n.

Done. One thousand words. NO PART TWO. I'm sorry but I cant do it.

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