Damian 3

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Okay, in this one the reader is supposed to be spending times with Damian but is instead hanging out with his brothers. Requested by RedSparko! Thanks!

3) "I'm not jealous."

I hope you enjoy this oneshot!

Narrorators Pov

Now Damian was a person who was known for not showing a lot of emotion, but when he got jealous, oh how you were in for a storm of emotions. Now, the only person Damian showed a lot of emotion around had to be Y/n.

He always tells her how he loves her, how he adores her and other stuff like that. Y/n absolutely adored this part of him, especially when he gets flustered when she compliments him. His face will always get red and he will even stutter sometimes if it is a really good compliment.

But if Y/n hangs out with his brothers for too long without paying attention to him, then he will get really, really jealous. Y/n hardly paid attention to Damian's jealous side though, she did, however, pay attention when he got physical with his brothers for talking to Y/n.

Now, of course, Y/n would talk to his brothers, they all had at least one thing in common with her.

With Dick, it had to be their love for acrobatics and gymnastics. Y/n knew a lot about this type of stuff, as she was a famous figure skater. She was quick and agile on the ice, and Dick loved to watch her performances. (Just like Victor from Yuri!!! On Ice!) He absolutely enjoyed her at the Olympics also.

With Jason, it was probably their love for guns that brought them to become friends. They meant each other at a gun shop, Y/n searching for one to keep her home protected and Jason getting bullets for his nightly activities. Now, they both stumbled upon the last box bullets for an AK-47, and Y/n being the nice person she is allowed Jason to take them instead of her. Jason agreed, talking to her a bit after that and giving her his number.

Lastly was Tim, the way you two connected was weird. Being apart of the Young Justice team with Tim, Dick, and Damian you both meant there. Batman said something about a new team member joining, (Damian and Dick already knew, You and Dami were already dating.) Bats also said something about her being an amazing acrobat, gymnast, and a hacker. So in a way you were like a bat, except you also used guns, which Bats didn't approve of. Anyways you and Tim meant each other when you actually scared the shit out of him by standing behind him when he was hacking into Lex Corp from the Watchtower. Yeah, he shrieked like a little girl.

Anyways back to Damian being jealous, it was a cold day in Gotham and you all were at the ice skating rink, you and Dick were on the ice skating your hearts away, you being much better than him. Damian, Tim, and Jason were all watching from the sidelines as you free skated, and as Dick fell everywhere. 

Though he was trying to hide it, you could sense Damian's jealousy from on the ice. Skating over to him you smiled at you grabbed his hand and pulled him close to you, the barrier is the only thing separating the two of you.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" You asked him smirking at his flustered face. 

"I'm not jealous." He said sternly, trying to convince you he was telling the truth.

Pulling him closer by his hoodie, you whispered in his ear, "Don't lie to me, Beloved..." kissing his uncovered neck lightly. Moving your face away from his neck, you looked behind him seeing his brothers look away from the two of you. Letting go of his hoodie you giggled slightly at his flushed face, "Well, let us go home!"

Done! I think I did pretty good, remember to request more, especially Tim, please! I have to say, these updates are coming out fast, have a Happy Easter everyone! Bye, Bye!

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