Damian 60

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Okay, so I am trying to get quite a few updates out for this book because I want to make another one-shot book for another fandom I am in. Anyways this was requested by @SquirticusMaximus, ha, funny name dude.

60- "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce me."

So, since the requester did not give any specific details, I want to make the reader Black Canary's protege, the Bat's are all at the Watchtower to help work on a case with some of the Justice League members, the only reason you were there was to practice training with some major people.

Third Person

Y/n sat on a bench in the Watchtower's training room, panting heavily while wiping her sweat on a wet rag. She stood up slowly and grabbed a water bottle while the Flash started to talk to her. 

"That was amazing Y/n! You just need to practice some hand to hand combat and your Canary Cry. You also need to focus on your opponent's speed." Barry stated, sounding pleased with how training went.

Y/n nodded her head at him, and asked some questions involving her training, as they talked it over her mentor, Black Canary, walked into the room with the Bats right behind her.

Y/n and Barry didn't bother to look over at them since they were still going over important things. When a cough interrupted the two of them, they both turned their heads towards the group now in front of them.

Y/n grinned as she stared up at her mentor and Batman, she ran over and hugged Dinah and then turned back to the Bats. "Hey, Batman, what are you all doing here?"

The Bats that were present were Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, and Robin. Batman watched the girl with soft eyes, he had a soft spot for children, even if they were teenagers.

"We just finished a case with Black Canary's help," Batman replied. Y/n nodded her head giddily, she always got excited when special members of the league talked to her. She turned her gaze over to the other three Bats in the room.

"Nightwing, Red Robin, and Robin! What a pleasure to meet all three of you, I have heard great things about you all!" Nightwing smiled back at the girl, as did Red Robin. Nightwing shook her hand as a kind gesture and Red Robin just patted her back.

"It is nice to meet you too, Y/n, we all have been wanting to meet you for a while, Dinah loves to talk about you," Nightwing told her. Y/n had a slight blush cover her face from embarrassment.

"I am glad to hear that, say while you are all here, would you like to spar with me? I should be able to at least take one of you down." Y/n stated as she said that, one of her arms shot up and her hand curled up into a fist as if she was cheering.

"I wish I could, but I need to work on something with Nightwing and Batman, maybe Robin can spar with you. Again, I am sorry." Red Robin answered this time, he had an apologetic look on his face as he talked to her.

Y/n's smile did not leave her face as she told him it was okay, and that they could fight another time together. Her body turned to where Damian was, and her eyes got wide and she clapped her hands together. "What about it, Robin, would you like to fight with me?"

Damian looked at her face with no emotion in his eyes. He finally sighed and said 'okay' to her.

Y/n bounced up in joy as she went over the rules. "Awesome! Okay, so no weapons allowed only our body parts, the first to be pinned down for 3 seconds wins." Damian nodded along with the rules, slightly disappointed that he couldn't use his katana.

They both walked over to the large mat in the center of the room and got into fighting positions. Damian smirked over at Y/n, starting to say something, but was cut off.

"I won't go easy on you."

Suddenly Y/n rushed over to him, easily punching his face, before swooping down to try to knock him off his feet. Y/n succeded, but he jumped up before she could pin him down. 

Damian feigned a blow to Y/n's left side, but as she went to block, he punched her right side. Y/n fell to the ground in pain but quickly recovered. She swept her feet right behind his knees making him plummet onto the mat right in front of her.

She jumped right on top of him and grasped at his wrist to try and turn him around on his stomach. Damian kicked Y/n off of him and stood up. He sat on her stomach and pinned her wrist to the mat tightly.

Y/n panted lightly as she set her gaze upon the boy on top of her, she smirked as she thought of something.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to seduce me."

A shocked gaze and opened mouth is all she got in return. Her smirked turned into a light smile, she took one of her hand out of his grasp and put it onto his cheek. 

Damian's face lit up with a soft pink glow as he watched her sit up slightly. After Y/n's hand made contact with Damian, she leaned up and kissed the corner of his lips. They could both feel eyes watching them, so Damian rushed to get off of her.

Y/n stood up and walked towards Black Canary.

"I hope you see you again, my little Robin."

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