Jason 7, 8, 9, 10

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So I thought of a few idea's for this, like the reader of Jason cheating, or the reader having an abortion, honestly, I had no idea what to do. I finally decided that I would just do a Cheater! Jason since it makes more sense.

7- "You did what?!"

8-"Were you ever going to tell me?"

9-"Don't ask me that."

10-"I might have had a few shots."

This was requested by @Kybug007, bro, you requested this more than a year ago.

By the way, this does not have a happy ending :)

Second Person

It was a beautiful sunny, peaceful day when your world came crashing down. That's probably an understatement actually.

The day was perfect, the sky was a bright blue and the sun was shining high in the sky. The temperature was a nice seventy-nine degree Fahrenheit with only a slight breeze interrupting that.

But of course, hell came upon that perfect day too soon. It was around 12:37 in the afternoon, you were sitting on the couch in your's and Jason small apartment. Jason was out in the city, going grocery shopping, but when the front door opened and Jason walked inside without any bags by his side.

You could tell that he was swaying slightly, already thinking about what could have happened, you stood up and swiftly walked over to him.

"Jason? Jason, are you okay? What happened, honey?" You asked multiple questions while walking him over to the couch.

He ripped his arms and body out of your warm grasp, a cold voice rang from his throat as he said, "Don't call me that. I don't deserve it, I am a monster." He words came out slightly slurred as looked over to you.

"Don't deserve what Jason, and what do you mean monster? You aren't a monster darling." You breathing hitched as you smelt alcohol resonating from his mouth.

"Jason," you started slowly, "have you been drinking today?" You didn't want to believe that he has been, he told you that he was trying to stop drinking alcohol overall.

He sighed softly before turning his gaze away from your beautiful e/c eyes. He could see that there was a storm of worry clouding in them. "I might have had a few shots."

Your gaze went from him to the floor. "Oh Jason, it is okay, it was just a few. May I ask something though, why did you need alcohol?" Jason was praying that this question would not have been asked, but of course, the gods were against him.

"I-i needed courage for something that I have needed to tell you for a long time now." He gulped in fear when he saw your confused face. Oh God, he was going to be the cause of your heart shattering like glass.

He took a nervous breath and then blurted out the words that brought you heaven of life to hell. "I cheated on you, multiple times." You dropped your phone when you heard him.

Hoping you heard wrong you started reassessing everything to lead up to this, sure he has been home late multiple times, but you thought that was because of his hero work. Now he was drinking, and gambling some of your money away, you could tell because of the bank accounts.

"You did what? You-you, you cheated on me?" You could feel tears already pouring down your cheeks when the truth finally slapped you straight in the face. "Oh my god, how, how could you. Why-how, what? Jason." 

Jason had his head down, praying that you would just leave and never talk to him again, he forced his head to look at you. Your eyes were red and you had tears pouring down your face. This wasn't something like Hollywood crying, this was pure pain as though someone had just told you that they had been cheating on you when you were in a four-year relationship. Oh wait, someone did.

"How could you," Your voice was quiet at first, but slowly became louder, "Jason! We spent four years on this relationship, I was always there for you, I would always help you when you got hurt, or when you got into a fight with Bruce! And you just flushed that entire relationship down the drain, just like that! Were you ever going to tell me?!

You voice quieted down as you stared at him once more. When he looked back at you, you asked him a devastating question. "Did you ever really love me?" Jason's eyes widened when you asked him that.

"What? Don't ask me that. You know what I love you so much!" Jason's started to cry lightly while you started pacing back and forth.

"Then why would you cheat on me? You know what, don't answer it, I am fine, it's fine." You took a deep breath and then faced the door that leads towards the shared bedroom. As you walked in, you rushed over to the closet and pulled out your suitcase.

Jason rushed inside after you and watched you with teary eyes as you shoved a bunch of clothes and items inside of the suitcase. "Where are you going to go Y/n?" He asked, scared.

"I don't know Jason, to my parents, my friends, someone. But don't worry, you don't have to deal with me." When you finished tossing things in, you faced him with your engagement ring and promise ring off. You shoved both of the rings into Jason's empty hands and then walked to the bathroom. 

You turned the light on and looked in the mirror at your wet face, you sighed and then open the sink cabinet, rummaging through it until you came upon a specific box. You opened it and pulled out the object that was sitting in it.

You walked out of the bathroom and saw Jason sitting on the couch while holding your rings, you slowly trudged next to him and tapped his shoulder.

When he looked up you handed him the object and then turned around and hugged yourself. "I am pregnant Jason, and I am going to have this baby. Maybe you can see them sometime in the future, maybe you can even be involved in their life. But for now, please just, stay away from them."

Jason swallowed the lump in his throat and then nodded, agreeing to your terms.

After a few moments, you sighed and grabbed your suitcase, heading towards the door. 

"Goodbye, Jason."

And then you were gone.

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