Damian 51, 52

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This-a one was requested by, I hope you like it!

51) "I see the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking."

52) "I think I'm in love with you and that scares me half to death."

I don't know how long this one will be, I may put the number of words at the bottom, but probably not.

This one probably won't be that good considering I am in the car and my Grammarly doesn't work since I am on the computer, but when I get home, I will fix every mistake!

(Btw, get Grammarly, it is really good.)

Y/n's PoV

Training with the Bat's in the Bat Cave could get...exciting sometimes. That or just plain boring. But tonight, everyone was patrolling, well almost everyone. Damian and I were told to stay back since there have been no reports of any huge villains. 

Let's be honest Damian was a bit mad, actually, he was really pissed off at Bruce, so while he was pouting like a little child while working at the Bat-computer- I was watching him.

I mean, how could I not, he was a hottie. Obviously getting his looks from Bruce and his ever so daring eyes from Talia. Man, I could stare at them all day long, every day. Noticing him turning his head to face me, I turned my own head back to the practice dummy I was supposed to be punching.

Lifting my fist, I punched the rubber material, trying to avert my eyes from looking at Damian again. But with his eyes burning into the back of my head, I couldn't help but turn his way, "Do you mind?" I asked him, fighting the urge to blush, though he wouldn't see it unless he was close up to me.

"I don't know, do you mind?" He asked, with sarcasm dripping out of his venom like voice. Pretending to have no idea what he was talking about, I looked away with my head held high.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Damian." 'Please leave it be, please leave it be.' I thought in my head. Before I had a chance to say 'shut up' I head a scoff come from his mouth. 

"I can see the way you look at me when you think I am not looking," He said without hesitation. Smirking he made his way over to me, "And don't you deny it to me, Y/n. Tell me the truth."

Grabbing my chin between his fingers, he lifted it up slightly, to where I was facing him fully. Giving in, I finally answered him, "I think I'm in love with you and that scares me half to death." I said honestly.

"Good, so you won't be mad at me for doing this," He said in relief. 'Wha-' But the thought only crossed my brain halfway before stopping. 'He's kissing me.' Quickly though I kissed back, this isn't my first kiss so I had a bit of practice before this one.

Placing my hands into his hair, pulling on so knots, while his hands moved from my chin to my waist. Pulling away, out of breath he breathed out, "I'm glad I got to do that."

"Yeah," I started rubbing my nose on his, "I'm glad you manned up and did it too."


Y'all, I've never had a kiss before, I don'T KNOW HOW THEY WORK, my friends are probably coming over to my house this weekends, I'm happy.

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